Ezras sick day

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"Ezra!" I heard a voice shout from down the hallway of the Ghost, but I simply groaned and turned over to face my back towards the door, curling up in my blanket.
The door to mine and Zebs cabin opened, footsteps approached my bed before I felt someone nudge me.
"Ezra come on it's time to train," My Master spoke as he shook my arm a bit, to which I gave him a glance before throwing my pillow at him then hiding in my blanket as I groaned.
A few moments of silence went by so I assumed he left the room and shut my eyes happily before the warmth of my blanket was stripped from me in the blink of an eye.
"Hey!" I exclaimed as I began to shiver, curling up into a ball as I glared at my Master who has no chill.

"Hey, you've slept in for long enough. Zeb was even up before you which should say a lot, now get out of bed before I drag you out," Kanan replied as he crossed his arms, giving me a look as if I had done something wrong for sleeping.
"Ha! You wouldn't! Now hand me back my blanket so I can sleep some more," I replied, smirking rather weakly but feeling as if I had just called him out on his bluff.
"...Oh, so you think I'm joking? Haha, hahahaha I'll show you a good joke alright," Kanan replied before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down!" I protested, kicking and punching him but to no avail as he carried me out of my room.
"Love, don't you think you should check to see if something is wrong with Ezra before you carry him away to train? He doesn't normally sleep for this long," Hera interjected to which Chopper beeped in disagreement with Hera.
"Choppers right Hera, the kids just getting it from Zeb, teenage boys will rebel and sleep in all day unless if you demand respect," Kanan replied to which Hera raised an eyebrow but sighed as a response, placing a hand to her forehead.
"Well, alright, I suppose I'll let you do this, but if something seems off you bring him right back in, understood?" Hera replied as she watched me squirm, seeming to notice that I wasn't even making Kanan flinch with my attacks of sleepy fury.
"Don't worry I will, but you're overreacting Hera, I'll see you after training," Kanan replied with a smirk before running outside, laughing at how I continued to complain.

After Kanan took me outside the Ghost, he leapt on top of the Ghost before 'accidentally' dropping me, causing me to groan in pain, although I seemed to be in more pain than usual which was a little odd but eh, I probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
"Alright Ezra! Today we're playing a game called last man standing for training. Hera might kill me if we played it like how I did when I was a youngling so we're pretty close to the ground, but back in my day we would play from the roofs of the Jedi temples and see who could knock the other off first," Kanan explained and as he explained the rules I began to blank, feeling a wave of sleep deprivation take hold as I rubbed my tired eyes a bit while staring at my Master, nodding occasionally to make it look like I was listening.
"Ready! Set! Fall!" Kanan exclaimed before throwing a small rock at my forehead and I fell off the Ghost into a pile of crates, groaning loudly.
As Kanan peeked over the ledge, he cringed a bit.
"...I don't think you listened to the rules of the game, Ezra," Kanan spoke up before I threw one of the supplies at him, which had no effect on him but when it fell back down on me it hurt.

"Alright, we're redoing this, from the top, so climb on up and we'll do it again," My Master spoke so I stood to my feet and began to pathetically reach for the top of the Ghost.
"Uh, Ezra, you can force jump, or even hop a bit and just grab my hand," He added in confusion as he watched my pointless struggle from atop the Ghost.
"I've got this!" I exclaimed before hopping up a bit and as I was about to grab his hand, I winced in pain at the cool gust of wind that brushed against my skin, causing me to fall back down on top of the crates.
"...Ezra are you okay-"
"Wait I almost got it!" I cut him off before falling again, and again, and again before finally reaching the top using the crates.
"Are you sure you want to keep going kid? You seem unfocused, far more than normal," Kanan spoke up with a bit of concern now present in his voice.
I laughed it off before replying, "What I'm fineeeeeee," to which Kanan looked in no way convinced, but he seemed to shrug it off and walked to the other side of the Ghosts roof.

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