💕Valentines Day💕

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Ezra awoke to the sound of his new alarm, causing him to groan as he checked the time.
"Karabast, why did I pick 0500 hours to wake up?.....HOLY FORCE ITS VALENTINES' DAY!!!" He exclaimed in realization as he quickly shut off his alarm.
"Zeb get your lazy butt outta bed!" Ezra demanded as he threw the alarm at him.
"Karabast! I'm gonna kill you!" Zeb exclaimed, and just as he was about to grab him Ezra showed him the calendar.
"Look! It's Valentine's Day! We can finally put our plan to work!"
"What plan?" Zeb questioned, causing Ezra to sigh heavily as he pulled out his hairbrush.
"The plan! We have to get Hera and Kanan out on a romantic date," Ezra replied as he began brushing out his bedhead.
"Oh! I almost forgot about that. Heh, I half expected you to talk about plans with you and Sabine."
"I already covered Sabine, I got her more paint cans and roses as gifts, but Hera and Kanan haven't had much time to themselves since I joined the crew," Ezra replied before getting properly dressed.
"Well yeah, you take up all of Kanans time, you're a slow learner."
"Hey! Why don't you try to be a Jedi and get back to me on how easy it is to pick up?"
"Can't be that hard for someone like me 💅🏼 Anyways, back to the plan, how do we keep Chopper from ruining the plan?" Zeb questioned curiously.
"Easy, we bribe him."

"I guess that works," Zeb laughed, standing up and getting ready for the day as well.
"So, that just leaves Sabine, was she updated on the plan?" He questioned, putting on a clean shirt.
"Yep! Now all we need to do is start breakfast, what could possibly go wrong?"

"What in the world is going on here!?" Hera exclaimed upon entering the common room, seeing Zeb and Ezra struggling to save the completely burnt breakfast.
"Haha....surpriseeeeee," Ezra replied nervously as a burnt waffle laid on his head.
She then sighed and took the waffle off his head, throwing it out before beginning to clean up their mess.
"Just sit down for now, I'll make something that's not burnt," Hera sighed as she kept her gaze on the dishes.
"Sorry Hera," Zeb apologized as he sat down, looking guilty for messing up the kitchen.
"Sorry Hera, we just wanted to make breakfast for everyone today," Ezra spoke as he held his arm nervously.
"That's sweet, but why today?" She questioned curiously as she cleaned a pan.
"Well...it's Valentine's Day, and I- we wanted to start the day off right for everyone," Ezra replied as he looked up at her hesitantly.

"Awwwww, that's so sweet," Hera spoke up in surprise before giving Ezra a hug.
"Thank you, both of you, but next time maybe leave the cooking to me, kay?" Hera added as she pulled away to look at the two of them properly.
"We will."
"Good, now go play some holochess," Hera replied with a smile before beginning to cook.

After a few moves were made in holochess, Ezra turned his attention back towards Hera, waiting for Zeb to make another move.
"Soooooooo, any plans for today, Hera?" Ezra questioned curiously as he threw his arm over the couch.
"Well, I might go into town and see if I can find any Meilooruns from any out-world importers, maybe buy some flowers for my vase, other than that I plan to spend the day working on my ship just like any other day," Hera shrugged as she began scrambling some eggs.
"That's it? No special plans or anything like that?" Ezra inquired as he secretly hoped that Kanan had maybe asked to spend the day with her.
"Hmm...no, not really. Might buy some chocolate to celebrate the day as well if I can find any but I wouldn't call that a special plan."
Zeb and Ezra then turned to look at each other, both sharing a look of determination before standing to their feet, quietly leaving the room as to not alarm Hera.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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