Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

December 13, 1961

Dearest Sasha,

How are you? I know I'm not writing as much as I used to, but my health hasn't been the best lately. The other day, my classmates brought me home from college because I had fainted whilst painting. I don't recall it really. I just remember waking up at Astrid's. Astrid is worried about me, and she's written to my mother who insisted I come to England to see the doctor. Astrid's mum has got me at the best doctor in Hamburg, so I don't think that's necessary. The headaches come more often now. The doctors have done tests and xrays, and well they don't show anything abnormal. I hope I get better soon, I hate being ill. I miss you, Sasha. Hope all is well.

Love, Stuart xxx

I took a sip of my tea as I finished reading the letter. The headaches that Stu had started getting at the end of last year would come more and more frequently, and now he was fainting as well. I worried about him because I know he is stubborn. Hopefully, his doctor can find out what is wrong. Just then, the door buzzed.

I walked to the front door and opened it to reveal George standing there with a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath.

"George," I smiled, "I wasn't expecting you today."

He kissed me on the cheek, "I know, but it's your birthday, and I picked these up in between gigs. I know we weren't supposed to see each other until next Wednesday, but..."

"George," I stopped his nervous rambling, "They're beautiful. Do you have time to come in?"

"For a bit, yeah," he exhaled.

George followed me inside and to the kitchen where I was drinking my tea before. Last night at Brian's party for the boys, I had agreed to dance with George. I smiled at the nervous way he had asked me out and then the bold way he kissed me before the night was over. I thought about him until I fell asleep last night, and I thought about him when I woke this morning.

I took the bouquet from him, "You didn't have to do this, it's so thoughtful of you."

"I wanted to. It's your birthday after all," George spoke as I filled a vase with water and arranged the flowers in it, "I had a great time dancing with you last night."

I smiled at him, "I did too, George. Are you hungry?"

"Oh, no, I ate at the Cavern," George replied.

"Tea?" I asked, smiling.

George wrung his hands together, and I wondered why he was nervous, "No, I have to get going. We just finished our lunch gig when I went to buy those, and I have to get back to rehearse for our evening gig. I just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy birthday. You should come see me play tonight."

"Thank you, George, but I think I'll stay in tonight," I replied.

Truthfully, the thought of going and watching the Beatles play at the Cavern tonight didn't sound appealing to me. I wondered if John had seen George and I dancing last night. I wondered if he had seen George kiss me. It was then that I remembered him snuggled up to that blonde girl at the party.

"Will you ever come see me play?" George blurted out.

I didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry," he quickly apologized, "I just, you know the other lads, their birds watch them play, and I know it's different for you, but I just..."

"George, it's okay. I'll come see you play, just not tonight. I have to get up early to work tomorrow."

"Oh, I'm sorry, really," George said, "Well, I have to get going. Happy Birthday."

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