Meeting the turtles (ROTTMNT)

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Fiona's pov:
I was just looking on my phone while eating pizza with my gang in New York City.
There's been a lot of news lately about mutants attacking humans but we've been here long enough that the city know s us as friendly mutants.
It's because we're half mutant and half human, so we're good.

"Who wants to hit the park later tonight?" Sky asked.

"Sure, why not? Lets just keep an eye out for dangerous mutants, agree?" I said.

"Agreed" we all said in a unison.

Later that night,

I grabbed my skateboard and backpack and headed to the door.

"Mom! I'm going outside with my friends! Is that okay?!" I yelled since my mom is on the second floor.

"Sure sweetie! But be careful!" She yelled back. And with that I headed to the park.

At the park,
I was skateboarding in the skatepark with Tina and Itsuki. Sky, Skylar and Skyline were just talking like the siblings they are.

"I'm surprised how your really good at skateboarding Suki" I said.

"Even being a nerd of the group has its perks" Itsuki said.

"COWABUNGA!!" I heard Tina yell.

"Girl! Don't be so loud! Someone might here us, ya big doof!" I yelled.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Tina yelled back.

"Excuse me girls and boy?" I hear a girl said.

I turned around and saw the girl. She has brown hair, wears glasses and wearing a yellow skirt.

"I'm so sorry ma'am about the commotion, my friend Tina plays by her rules so I can't control her that often" I said.

"Nah, it's okay, I just have a few friends that wants to join you, can they come?" She asked.

"Sure, no probbles, how bad can it be?" I said.

"Cowabunga!!" I heard a boy yell.

I turned around and saw two turtles skateboarding with Tina, one was blue and one was orange. I saw a red turtle with the TriSky talking with them. They all seem pretty calm.

Me and Itsuki faced each other a little surprised.

"So Sorry, about my brothers scaring you two, they often do that" I looked a a purple turtle in front of us.

"I'm Donnie, the blue turtle is Leo, the orange turtle is Mikey, and the red turtle is Ralph" Donnie said.

I looked at Itsuki and noticed a blush on her face.

"Well, somebody's got a crush..." I said.

Itsuki looked at me red faced and said.
"Ya big poop! Don't say that!!" She yelled.

"Hey I'm just saying..." I said.

"You remind me of my twin brother..." Donnie said.

"Who? Leo?" Itsuki said.

"Yep" Donnie said.

"Alright, WHOSE UP FOR PIZZA TIME?" I yelled.

"WE ARE!!" My gang said.

I took out my staff and made a portal to the my Pizza Hut.

"You guys have Pizza time?!" I here Mikey yell.

"Yup! We have pizza time all the time, unless if we don't have the money to do it" Tina said.

"Alright, what kind of person pizza do you guys want?" I asked getting out my wallet.

"Pepperoni!!!" We yelled.

"Okay, Skyline, it's your turn to get the pizza" I said.

"Awh.... Why can't Itsuki do it?" Skyline whined.

"Because she had to study for her final exam" I said. I handed him the money and pushed him through the portal.

"We have pizza time too, we only do it when we're patrolling the cities..." Leo said.

"Well, that sucks, who told you that rule?"
I asked.

"Our dad, splinter, he's our boss when it comes to rules" Ralph said.

"Imma get him a pizza my mind" I said.

Sky, Skylar, Tina and itsuki chuckled at my joke.

"Hey! Making one liners is my job!" Leo said.

"And if one wasn't enough already"

And so the connection strengthens there.

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