I couldn't stop the question coming so I blurt it out "how could someone kill him? didn't he had much security?" I expected an angry response from them but instead got an answer from Gabriele

"The same thing we all are thinking but we know one thing that the person was a trained shooter cause he had shot dad point blank and I swear once I find the person I'll personally kill him but not before torturing him" I saw Micah and Kyle nodding

"Don't worry you'll find that person!" I said to them.

Little did I know that I was encouraging him to kill me.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Omar getting restless and he was clenching and unclenching his fingers which is his habit while he is nervous about something but here is nothing to be nervous about. He excused himself and signaled me to follow him so I also excused myself and followed him

"What happened Omar?" I asked him as soon as we were alone

"Do you know who his father is?" He asked me looking tensed

"Of course not, how could I know who was his father! Why? Did we know him?"

"You remember the man you killed yesterday?"

"Yes I remember him he was-" suddenly realization drawn on me

"Sh*t you mean he was Gabriele's father?"

"Yes, now you know why I am tensed!"

"F*ck! It's....huh! Ok listen we can't get caught now understood? We have to stay calm, can't let them even doubt us. Just try to stay normal and don't utter a word to anyone, remember we don't know him and we didn't kill him because if they get to know about us then we are finished Omar, keep that in your mind and let's go out before anyone notices our absence" we went out in the backyard and stood beside the guys since we are now working under him.

After the funeral ended Micah called Becky, Natalie, Kyle and Zorawar to Gabriele office as he wanted to talk to them and asked me and Omar to get back to the tracks. We bid goodbyes and they went inside and we went towards our car but before going to the tracks we had to go to our new apartment. The car ride was filled with silence none of us said anything. As we reached the apartment I asked Omar to call Calvin he is one of our guy whom we call whenever we shift to a new apartment because we need some hidden slots in walls so that I can hide me weapons somewhere and Calvin is our perfect guy. "We need to hide all my weapons mainly the sniper rifles and some knives" I said to Omar and started sorting the guns and knives which were to be hidden. After an hour Calvin was at our place doing his work

"So this time whom you guys killed that you have to change apartments?" Calvin asked us, he may be a good friend but he doesn't know me being the black widow we haven't told him and don't even want to, he just knows that I am a hit man

"No one, it's just now I am a business partner of the elite racers so we had to change apartment so that we are nearer to the tracks and we don't want people to know that I am hit man." He just nodded and after 3 hours all my weapons were hidden in my bedroom floor, my closet wall and the shower tiles. We paid him and after that we went to the tracks and there in my office we both discussed ways to keep the fact hidden that I killed Pablo DiCaprio, Gabriele's father and that I am the black widow. Only Omar knows that I am the black widow and other have just heard the name Black Widow. If the word goes out that I am the Black Widow people would try to kill me because I have killed many people and their families have been looking for me.

We needed to know if they have found anything regarding the matter but we knew that they won't say anything to us so we needed someone to be in their group so that we know what's going on. We decided that since Omar is also a technology guy he will be the one who will work inside their group to know what's going on but for that we needed Gabriele to ask Omar to join them. We needed them to trust Omar.

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