Chapter 99 - Mother Jiang is Here

Start from the beginning

Luckily Ke Yan was only due to return on Monday, otherwise, if he caught sight of Mother Jiang at home, he would probably jump in fright.

As he walked out the door to receive Mother Jiang, a final glance around the house served to reassure him that everything was probably alright.

Upon seeing Mother Jiang, he saw that Jiang Lu too had tagged along.

The three of them walked into the private area, and Jiang Lu earnestly began looking around, “Wow, Second Brother, how can you afford to live in such an exclusive area? I thought they didn’t rent out the units here, and it probably costs a bomb to buy one of these.”

“Really?” Jiang Qi had forgotten about this problem, and hastily scrambled to explain, “Er, this is my friend’s house, I pay him rent monthly.”

“Oh really? Then Second Brother, your friend must be really rich.”

“It’s alright if you live somewhere nice… This place looks quite secure too.” Mother Jiang nodded approvingly.

“We’ve reached, come on in.” Jiang Qi opened the door and let Mother Jiang, as well as Jiang Lu, enter.

“Wow, it’s so big.” This was Jiang Lu’s first reaction after seeing the inside of the house.

“Woah, this must cost you a lot to rent every month…” Mother Jiang commented as she surveyed the big house.

“Mmm, not too much, because we’re friends, so he only charges me 2000RMB a month.”

“How come I never heard of this friend of yours?” Mother Jiang asked Jiang Qi.

“Oh, is it? Perhaps I forgot to mention him before…” Jiang Qi said this with a twinge of self-consciousness.

“This house really does look good.” Mother Jiang and Jiang Lu sat down on the sofar, and Jiang Qi poured them each a glass of water.

“Plus it has also been tidied quite neatly, I had almost thought that today’s visit would require us to do some large-scale cleaning…”

Mother Jiang nodded, she too, had not expected the house to be this clean.

“I told you didn’t I, I can take care of myself.”

“Mmm, mmmm? Wait, what’s this?” Mother Jiang felt something poking at her from underneath the pillow and lifted up the pillow to take a look. Underneath, there was a box, and upon closer look the box was...

By now, Jiang Qi had also caught sight of that familiar box in his mother’s hands and his heart cried out in surprise. Instantly he said, “Don’t open it!”

Alas, it was too late, and Mother Jiang had already opened it.

Inside his heart, Jiang Qi whispered to himself, I’m screwed, how could I have forgotten that?!

Mother Jiang and Jiang Lu both looked at the condoms inside the box and instantly froze.

Jiang Qi too was speechless, but that was because he truly did not know what to say now.

Why on earth would something like this be here? Was it because of last time? When the two of them had been lounging on the sofa, and suddenly found themselves entangled with each other? That moment of passion resulted in Ke Yan holding Jiang Qi hostage against the sofa as they did that… Jiang Qi had been worried about staining the sofa, so he made Ke Yan wear a condom, but after they had finished, neither of them had remembered to clear it away.

It was all Ke Yan’s fault, he was the one who had wanted to do it on the sofa, and now they were screwed.

Jiang Qi seemed to have forgotten, how he had been the one, to demand that Ke Yan wear a condom.

“Erm, excuse me, this isn’t mine.” Jiang Qi mumbled out.

“Who does this box belong to?”

“That’s my friend’s, yep, it’s his. I guess~cough~, he must have forgotten to keep them.

“Are you telling the truth?”

“That’s right ah~ He’s the one using them.” Jiang Qi was telling the truth, after all, was Ke Yan not the only one using them?

“Oh, still, Xiao Qi ah~, if you have a girlfriend just tell me, mum won’t object to it.”

“I know, but still, I don’t have a girlfriend right now.”

“Second brother, bring us to your room!” Jiang Lü suggested.


Jiang Qi led the two of them upstairs, inside, he was so relieved, thank god that went well.

End of Chapter

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