"We will have to fix that then. Just make a list of the new things you do enjoy. The cook can at least keep it in mind for you and you can try new things." Elijah nodded, biting his lip. His eyes scanned over Aiden's desk and he was surprised to find a file that had his name on it.

"What is that?" He asked curiously and Aiden raised an eyebrow before sliding it toward him.

"It has all the information your dad provided for me. Clothing size, weight, height. He also provided your birth certificate and official documents that are important. He was supposed to provide things such as your likes and dislikes as well, but he was not much use in that section." Aiden admitted as Elijah flipped through the notes.
"If you would like, you can fill out that section." He offered as Elijah sat the folder down.

"I could see what I could do but I really don't know myself." Elijah said softly, biting his lip.

"Very well. The other reason I brought you in here was to give you this. It is to explain to you what our relationship would be. it explains about BDSM and it has questions for you to fill out as well." Elijah immediately grew nervous as another folder was placed in front of him.
"You can take your time with it; I am not rushing you. It is something you need to think over and give serious thought." Aiden noted how Elijah seemed to be nervous, quickly changing the subject.
"You can feel free to do whatever you would like now. If you have any questions, I will be in here." Elijah took that as the go ahead to leave so he did so, holding onto the folder in his hands tightly. He immediately went to the bedroom, laying down in the bed, and beginning to read over the papers.

'BDSM involves sexual acts that may include submission, domination, bondage, and S&M.' He paused in his readings, biting his lip as he reread what he had just read. Shaking his head, he continued to keep going in his reading. The first page went into detail explaining what BDSM was and what the act typically involved. It also explained safe words. The chosen words could be discussed but the go to words were red, green, and yellow. The red meant that any interaction would cease immediately. Green meant it was safe to continue. Yellow meant to slow down, though not stop yet.

The second page went more into specifics for Aiden. It explained what he expected as a dominant first. The first thing was to be called 'sir', which Elijah already knew. The second stated that Elijah had to take care of himself. He had to keep up good hygiene and eat healthy foods. One line specifically stated "No junk food without explicit permission from the dom." He also had to utilize the gym in the house at least once a week. He was willing to work with that. One line also stated he should see a therapist and he immediately wrote a star beside it, intending to request that Aiden remove that. He could see why he would make that request, but it was not something he would be comfortable with. Despite everything his father had put him through, he did not want to do it. He was also required to see Aiden's personal doctor. He made another mark beside that, simply wanting to know why. He did not have much reason to object to it, but he did want to ask about it. He read over the last few rules before the page moved onto 'limits'.

Most of the limits were things that seemed to make a lot of sense to Elijah. He stated he was not into things such as fire, candles, branding, and many others. Elijah shivered, deciding to skim that part as it seemed he was not comfortable with any of it anyways. On the last page, there were a few directions. 'Cross out the things you do not want to partake in at all. Circle the things you would want to discuss. Leave the things you are completely open to alone.' Elijah crossed out anything that sounded much too extreme for him, including everything Aiden had previously marked out on is page. The only things he knew he was comfortable with were the small things. Blindfolds, cuffs, chains, and toys. He circled the slightly more extreme things that he did not know much about such as whipping and spanking. He was not sure how he would feel about the things that sounded painful, but he figured he could at least try.

Once he was done reading the contract, he made his way to Aiden's office, knocking softly before entering. He walked behind the desk, sitting it down in front of Aiden. He had it open to the page where his signature was.

"I don't know much about this lifestyle. But I will agree to give it a shot so long as I can say no whenever I feel the need to." Aiden appeared surprised by Elijah's words. He flipped to Elijah's page, reading over everything.

"You had a question about the therapist and the doctor?" He questioned and Elijah nodded.

"I am not seeing a therapist. Nonnegotiable. As for the doctor, would my information still be confidential?" He asked softly, not meeting Aiden's eyes.

"Yes. The only thing that would ever be told to me is if you are sick or if you have any sort of STD. This is for obvious reasons, I assume." Elijah nodded. He could understand why the doctor would tell him. It was to protect himself basically.

"Yes, Elijah. You would be able to refuse anything at anytime. You can always say no. And as a dominant, it is more important than anything that I listen to your wants and your needs." Aiden stood up, startling Elijah. He backed up, giving him his space.

"So, does this mean I am allowed to start teaching you?" He approached Elijah who stayed still where he was, biting his lip.

"I am not ready for sex yet." He admitted, biting his lip as he looked down.
"But yes, I am ready to start learning."

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