The Announcement...

437 21 10

Narrator's POV

It had been a hundred and thirty-one years since they had left the Manor.

In the near century and a half, life had changed drastically, not just among the humans but also in their personal life as well.

Sebastian had stopped being a butler after the first ten years, coincidentally when the Victorian Era ended and the Edwardian Era began.

And while he technically was no longer Ciel's butler, some habits died hard.

He still prepared tea several times a day, baked sweets and carefully bathed and clothed the former Earl.

That last one was his favorite in particular, ever since the very first morning of their contract he loved dressing Ciel.

The red eyed demon adored dolling the younger up in whatever fashion trends the year called for, but nothing quite ever beat dressing him in Victorian fashion —especially the robin dress.

To Sebastian, the clothing of the modern era was lazy; gone were the garters, ribbons, laces and buttons that took around ten minutes to put on.

Now, one could be fully dressed in less than two minutes and be presentable to society.

Then again, Sebastian never truly cared about his own clothing but he hated how the elastics and zippers took that intimacy away from him.

Like now, he was dressing his darling Ciel not in fine, tailor-made clothing of an era long past but rather in massed produced clothing of a dark grey T-shirt with black overall shorts that had a skeletal ribs and pelvis printed on it.

Ciel's slender, smooth legs were not covered by silken stockings held in place by leather garters but by cotton knee-high socks the same gray as his shirt and held in place by that dreaded elastic within the sock.

On his tiny feet —barely a size 3.5 in Men's shoes, by American standards— were not leather shoes with metal buckles, but black, Converse high-top sneakers with black, cloth laces.

Internally sighing as he finished dressing the younger demon, Sebastian pressed a kiss to the inside of Ciel's left thigh and stood up from where he had been kneeling.

Ciel looked up at his lover, a playful smile covering his face as blue and lavender eyes stared into crimson.

While the butler uniform had been left behind with the rest of the fashion of the Victorian Era, Sebastian's fashion sense had had its highs and lows these past hundred and so years.

If he had to describe his mate's sense of fashion, he'd say Sebastian's style was somewhere between grunge and rocker.

Currently, the older demon wore a plain white T-shirt, ripped black jeans, black Dr. Martens and a black leather jacket that had several decals of red, magenta and brown eyes littering the back and the sleeves.

Ciel knew Sebastian's routine like the back of his hand so he barely even blinked as he was picked up and carried to their apartment's rather small kitchen with an adjoining dining room

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Ciel knew Sebastian's routine like the back of his hand so he barely even blinked as he was picked up and carried to their apartment's rather small kitchen with an adjoining dining room.

While the kitchen held all the modern amenities one might expect, none except the refrigerator and occasionally the freezer were ever used.

The only time Sebastian ever touched the dishwasher or the microwave was to clean it and mutter under his breathe about how lazy the modern era was.

Ciel smiled as he remembered the first time he had heard Sebastian compline about the modern era, back sometime in the 1970's while they had been in Canada, and he had jokingly called his older lover an 'old man'.

That had resulted in Sebastian sulking for several days about how he was still very young by demon standards at one thousand two hundred and some change.

Back in the present, Ciel found himself presented with a cup of Darjeeling tea —the cup not porcelain like it had been decades before but glass— as well as a plate of Black Forest crêpes.

Back in the present, Ciel found himself presented with a cup of Darjeeling tea —the cup not porcelain like it had been decades before but glass— as well as a plate of Black Forest crêpes

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Just like everything Sebastian had ever made —excluding the abominations made in the first few days of their contract—, the food was absolutely delicious.

That was another thing Ciel loved about the modern era as well as America, breakfast was no longer strictly savory as it had been in his youth.

His mate sat in the chair beside him and just watched him eat, not wanting to partake in any of it; Sebastian didn't like indulging in unnecessary things so his diet was strictly souls.

Another thing Sebastian didn't do was sleep, he'd lay in bed beside Ciel and hold the younger demon most of the night, but he spent those hours either on his phone or Ciel's laptop on minimum brightness.

Sebastian would review all of Ciel's emails, review Funtom's stock, stalk Funtom's websites and social media accounts, pay the bills for their apartment in order to give him a report after breakfast.

In any extra time he had during the night, Ciel knew Sebastian well enough to know he was either looking up recipe ideas or watching cat videos on silence.

So, on cue, once Ciel finished his meal, Sebastian spoke, "You have no emails of importance. Funtom's stock has increased by point two percent. Additionally, Funtom's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are all advertising the new Halloween collection."

"Anything else?" Ciel asked like he did everyday

"Oh yes, I was lurking on HellSpeaks and discovered something most unusual I think you'll enjoy." Sebastian answered

Ciel nodded, —HellSpeaks was a secret, password protected website demons used to contact each other— prompting him to continue.

Sebastian added, "The King is hosting a competition where a demon of each sin will be selected in order to have the opportunity to become his heir."

It seemed the older demon was right, the former Earl was instantly interested.

"Will there be a sign-up?" Ciel asked

Sebastian nodded, "Yes, it and the selection are tomorrow afternoon."...

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