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Narrator's POV

Satan, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, the Devil, the Dragon, the Old Serpent, the Beast, the Adversary, the Morning Star, the Outcast Angel, Prince of Darkness, Father of Lies, what ever you want to call him, Lucifer answered to them all.

Out of his countless names given to him by the mortals in the realm above, there was only one name that no one used anymore and very few supernatural beings even remembered it much less used it.

"Samael." A voice in front of him said, taking the King of Hell out of his thoughts

Before the Fall, that had been his name, back in that simpler time when he had just been the Angel of Music, before the first humans had been made and just dinosaurs wandered his Father's creation.

"Yes, Lilith?" Lucifer asked, looking towards his mate and Queen

It had been around two hundred thousand years since they had met in Eden when they had taught each other invaluable things.

Lilith had been Adam's first wife, both made of the soil in God's holy land, when they had met by chance.

She had refused to be subservient to her first husband, refused to be mounted and bred like a mare, and when she had taken a walk around the orchards outlining the Garden of Eden she had found him watching.

Lucifer —then still Samael— had talked with her, pitying her situation, but still afraid of going against his father's wishes.

While he had taught her how to hide from her abusive husband and the angels trying to force her to him, she had unknowingly taught him free will.

Eventually, Adam had enough of trying to overpower his clever wife and asked God for a new one, one that would've submissive to him.

And Samael then made his choice, knowing with Eve now made from Adam's rib that Lilith would be killed, and helped her escape Eden.

But, by saving her he had doomed himself, when his treachery had been discovered his wings had been ripped off by his closest brothers —the three other archangels— and he had been tossed into the Earth below.

His landing had been so hard that it had left a trench in its wake —Lucifer believed humans had named it the 'Mariana Trench'—, and Heaven cleaned itself of two dozen more angels who had sympathized with Samael's 'betrayal'.

Unfortunately, all of the fallen angels couldn't leave Hell for long until the Day of Judgement, so Lucifer lured in humans and corrupted them into demons who could.

Now, there were ten thousand demons roaming between Hell and Earth.

"You're the one who called for me?" Lilith said, reminding him

Lucifer replied, "Oh, yes, sorry. I had an idea and wanted your opinion on the matter."

Lately, Lucifer had felt tired, bored and a bit lonely after ruling his domain for as long as he has.

He wanted someone to teach, someone to play games with, someone to entertain.

He wants a heir.

But, as much as he wanted one, Lucifer knew Lilith well enough to know she would refuse to be bred by him just as she had refused Adam so he wouldn't ask that of her.

But, he wanted to know if she was open to the idea of adoption.

The magenta-eyed fallen angel relayed that thought to his mate and was delighted to hear that she wouldn't mind that.

"Who were you thinking of making our heir?" Lilith asked, sitting on her throne beside his

Lucifer chuckled slightly, "That's the issue, I have no idea who is worthy of such a title."

"Why not host a competition?" Lilith replied

"Clarify, sweet flower." Lucifer requested, lacing his black-nailed fingers with her own

"Pick one demon from each sin to compete to be the heir, give them tasks to complete, games to challenge them, etcetera." Lilith explained, "To pick the original seven just pick a name of volunteers from a hat or something."

Lucifer smiled at her, stroking her chin with the palm of his free hand, "What ever would I do without you?"

Lilith turned her head slightly to kiss his palm, a smirk playing in her lavender eyes, "Crash and burn."...

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