"I think I've seen that girl before..." thought Serena, becoming thoughtful.

"The competitors have two minutes to get on stage!" said the organizer.

"I'm coming!" said Serena before walking towards the stage.

Miette looks to Serena with a smile.

Serena walks up on stage with a pokéball and a necklace in hand.

Amelia walks up the stage with a pokéball and a necklace in hand.

"Looks like they are already here!" said Monsieur Pierre.

"So let's waste no more time! Start the battle, s'il vous plaît!" said Monsieur Pierre.

Serena smiles.

"Braixen, on stage!" said Serena while throwing a pokéball to the air.

"She used my phrase!" said May in the stands.

"She sure is taking what we do seriously..." said Dawn.

"Brai!" said Braixen while entering the stage.

"Here! Put this on!" said Serena while throwing the necklace towards Braixen.

Braixen catches the necklace with her branch, without looking.

The crowd is in awe.

Braixen puts the necklace on.

Amelia smiles.

"Dragonair, Shine your light!" said Amelia while throwing a pokéball into the air.

Dragonair enters the field.

"Dragonair, put this on!" said Amelia while throwing the necklace to the air.

Dragonair jumps up and puts the necklace on by just letting the necklace run throughout its body and stopping at its neck.

The crowd is in awe.

"So, both competitors ready?" asked Monsieur Pierre.

Amelia and Serena nod.

"So go ahead! It's battle time, s'il vous plaît!" said Monsieur Pierre.

A clock appears on screen.

"Dragonair, Ice Beam!" said Amelia.

Dragonair uses Ice Beam.

"Braixen, melt that ice with Flamethrower!" said Serena.

"Brai! Braixen!" said Braixen while using Flamethrower.

"She used that with me!" said Dawn with glittering eyes.

"She did!?" asked May.

"Yes! When we started doing Showcases together..." said Dawn.

"Wait... You did showcases with Serena!?" asked May, surprised.

"Yes!" said Dawn, smiling.

Braixen's Flamethrower cancels Dragonair's Ice Beam.

It creates a smokescreen on stage.

"Dragonair, use Ice Beam again!" said Amelia.

Dragonair used Ice Beam in the middle of the smokescreen.

"Braixen, dodge it!" said Serena.

Braixen couldn't dodge Dragonair's attack due to low visibility.

Braixen falls on the ground.

"Braixen!" shouted Serena.

Braixen gets up.

Serena smiles.

Serena's Sun and MoonWhere stories live. Discover now