{7}{Take Your Time}{7}

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Both teens sat awaiting the final bell to ring, dismissing everyone. Bokuto had been an anxious mess all day while Akaashi was nervous but kept himself emotionless. Well, appearance wise anyways. Akaashi wasn't prepared for what was going to be said and Bokuto, well that would explain why he was a mess, he had no clue what was going to happen. It had kept him up at night, which meant he barely got any sleep. Bokuto didn't even have enough time to do his hair in the morning. Not that Akaashi would've noticed, he hadn't seen Bokuto at all but Bokuto had seen Akaashi. Although, as promised, until he wanted to talk, which was after school, he was going to leave Akaashi be.

When the final bell rang, Bokuto had gathered his things and left his class. As he grabbed his bag from his locker, he could feel a whole new wave of nervousness come over him. He had been trying to prepare himself but since Bokuto didn't know what to prepare for, it was no use, he was still a mess. He definitely looked nervous and a little unkept, nothing concerning but not something that would go unnoticed as well.

After grabbing his bag, Bokuto actually took his time leaving the school. And just like said, there by the front gates to their school, was his beloved Akaashi, waiting with his head back against the gate. Eyes closed. Just trying to relax.

Bokuto took a breath and tried to relax before walking over with a smile. "Hey Hey Hey! 'Kaashi!!" Bokuto held a bright smile as Akaashi opened his eyes, looking at the seemingly excited Bokuto.

"Hey Bokuto-san." Akaashi gave a small nod in acknowledgment as Bokuto stopped beside him.

Akaashi took a second to give him a look, he did seem a little unkept and for some reason, Akaashi liked it. Well more, his hair, it was down and messed up, bedhead was all it was really. But Akaashi found himself staring, so he had to do everything in his will to stop himself.

"Let's go." Akaashi finally said rather quickly as he looked away from Bokuto.

Bokuto was confused as to why he looked away, he even pouted a little but nevertheless, he listened.

With that, the two started heading out in silence. Not necessarily an uncomfortable silence but they were t at peace either. That walk ended up with the two at a park, no one else was there, just the two.

Akaashi paused for a moment, taking a look around the park before starting to walk again, mumbling 'follow me'. Of course, Bokuto nodded and followed. Not wanting to disrupt anything further than he already had.

Akaashi led Bokuto over to a bench and took a seat, gesturing for him to sit down as well, and again, Bokuto followed as told. Taking a seat. He felt his nerves creeping up on him and it wasn't a good feeling at all.

Akaashi took a breath in, trying not to be so tense as he still had to make sure he said the right things as well.

"Bokuto-san.. I'm going to get right to the point here, after what happened, I really want you to realize you hurt me-"

"-Akaashi, I'm sorry! I really didn't-"

"-but, I know you're hurt too.." Akaashi hesitated for a second before looking at Bokuto, whom of which had tears. Tears just threatening to fall, but his face wasn't all sad, there was a slight hint of shock.

Akaashi knew he should've tried to stay more serious but there was only so much he could do. Akaashi went and took Bokuto's hand gently, while keeping his eyes locked with Bokuto. Bokuto however.. he took a glance down at their hands and his heart jumped, was he reading Akaashi right?


"You said you didn't want to lose me, and even though it's not something I want to admit to at the moment.." Akaashi paused. "..I don't want to lose you either. I really like you Bokuto-san, again, I'd even say I love you. Because I do, but.." Akaashi trailed off, thinking about wether or not he was making the right decision. "I'd like some time, I trusted you and not many people get that trust, for years it was only my mother and Kenma. I took the risk of trusting you and you broke that, however, wounds heal with time, so that's what I'd like. I'd like some time and then, well what happens then is only to be known when the time comes. But let me tell you this, I'm not leaving you, and I'm hoping, you won't leave me either.."

Akaashi finally took a breath, he hadn't planned to say any of it but now that he'd spoken, he felt better. Looking at Bokuto, he definitely looked upset, which is why what he said next made Akaashi so confused.

Bokuto took Akaashi's other hand and spoke in a softer tone than normal, keeping his normal ecstatic energy down.

"I love you too Akaashi, but, if time is what you want, and it's what you need, then take your time. I'll wait for you, I'll wait till the end of time, and whenever you're ready, I'll be there. Because just like you said, I'm not leaving you." Akaashi felt his heartbeat pick up as he processed every word Bokuto said. Did he really mean it, would he really wait..?

Akaashi was caught off guard and of course Bokuto noticed something he hadn't, tears. Tears had fell and Akaashi didn't notice until Bokuto moved one hand to wipe them away. He smiled and held his hand on Akaashi's cheek.

"Keiji Akaashi, I promise you that I'll wait. For you and only you, I'll wait."

Those words once again, Akaashi didn't know why they meant so much, or why they.. hurt..?
Akaashi lost the small sense of control he had left as he moved quickly and pulled Bokuto into a hug, letting out the rest of the tears he had been holding back. Yes, Akaashi knew he needed time, but he didn't want time. He wanted to go right ahead and leave it all be, he wanted to have Bokuto right then but he couldn't. He knew better. He had to make sure nothing would happen again, he just had to be sure. And Bokuto, well, he was willing to wait as long as it took for Akaashi to be ready. Even if he had to wait years, he'd wait. Because like said, you'd do anything for the people you love.

A/N: I feel like this chapter's shorter than normal to sorry if it is ;-; the next one should be longer. Sorry for the late upload as well, my sister broke my phone screen earlier today and I had to touch it up ✌️

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