{4}{Drinks & Disaster}{4}

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"You've got the address, right Kenma?" Akaashi asked, just barely looking over his shoulder at his friend.

"Mhm." Kenma nodded, not looking up from his phone.

The two were headed out to the one party they couldn't seem to refuse an invitation to. Akaashi was nervous and Kenma, well he was just as equally nervous. The two didn't go to parties much, correction, didn't go to parties at all. The big parties popular kids stereotypically held just weren't their thing, and yet, here they were. Both teens finding themselves at the front door of Kuroo's place, where the party was being held. Lights were shining through windows and music was blaring so loud you could hear it from down the entire street.

"This is it..?" Akaashi asked in a mixed tone of slight disbelief and confusion.

Kenma looked up from his phone and felt himself shudder, he was already feeling slightly sick at the idea but being with Kuroo was worth it.

"Mhm, this is it." Kenma sighed. "Lets just try it out and if either of us wants to go, we'll text each other, okay?"

"Sure.." Akaashi mumbled, already regretting this.

With a sigh, he pushed open the front door and was instantly hit by the strong smell of booze and the loud roaring of music being blasted from the speakers inside. The two walked inside and tried their best to stay out of the way of most people who were either dancing, drinking, or getting in fights. They were looking for the two obnoxious idiots who invited them to the party in the first place. And it didn't take too long to notice them, it would be hard to miss to yelling idiots who were standing on a table. That's right, Bokuto and Kuroo were standing on a coffee table in the living room, drinks in hand, just screwing around and hyping up the rest of the party goers.

Akaashi couldn't help a soft laugh and Kenma sighed before chuckling a little himself, but both were almost frozen when they were noticed. Shit. Both Kuroo's and Bokuto's faces lit up, and Bokuto was the first to make a scene, leaving Kenma to think, poor Akaashi..

"Everyone! The prettiest boy I've ever met, an absolute angel is here!" He looked beyond excited and Akaashi felt his face heat up, especially when Bokuto jumped off the table and walked over to him. Fuck, fuck, fuck-

In seconds, Akaashi felt strong arms wrap around him and tightly, slightly lifting him into the air. The smell of booze was faint but Akaashi could tell Bokuto had definitely had some.. 'drinks'.

"'Kaashiiiiiiii, I misssed youuuuuu!" Bokuto held him tight, which earned a soft chuckle from Akaashi.

"I- I missed you too, Bokuto-san." Akaashi had an obvious blush covering his face.

Bokuto let Akaashi go, but still kept him close as the two were inches apart.

"I'm so happy you came!! I didn't think you were gonna, I was getting worried.." Bokuto pouted and clearly the drinks made him more emotional than normal as tears swelled at the corners of his eyes. That of course made Akaashi a bit worried, so he raised his arms, cupping Bokuto's face and wiping the growing tears away.

"Of course I came, I would've missed out on seeing you if I didn't, and I just couldn't do that, I would never, okay?" Akaashi smiled softly, and Bokuto's heart tugged at his chest, he thought Akaashi's smile was precious. Nothing could replace it.

"Okay!" Bokuto smiled brightly, his face a light red due to Akaashi's touch.

"Come on 'Kaashiiii!! I wanna show you something!!" Bokuto quickly grabbed Akaashi's hand, and pulled him away, out of the crowd and all.

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