{6}{The Letter}{6}

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Akaashi woke up to his alarm going off, he was quick to shut it off and groaned. He really didn't want to go to school, after what had happened the other day, Akaashi couldn't face Bokuto, he just couldn't.

Akaashi laid in bed and after some thinking, decided he'd just stay home all day. Although, after some time of not leaving his room, specifically around when school would've started, so 8:50, a knock was heard at Akaashi's door, and the voice that came from the other side was sweet as usual.

"Keiji dear, are you awake, you're going to be late for school." His mother spoke softly from outside the door, and all Akaashi replied with was.

"I'm not feeling well today mum, I was just going to stay home.. is that okay..?" Akaashi did his best to sound ill and like usual, it worked.

"Of course sweetie! Just make sure to get rest and don't forget to eat while I'm at work, I'll be home late tonight so you may have to cover diner if you can manage, okay?" She still spoke from outside the door, and Akaashi let out a small sigh of relief.

"Got it, love you mum."

"Love you too honey, feel better!"

Akaashi listened as the footsteps disappeared and let out another sigh of relief, thank goodness.. Akaashi was glad he got away with it. But he usually did, as his mother usually let him stay home wether he was actually sick or not.

Once Akaashi's mother left the house, he curled back up and into his blankets, rethinking about what happened the other day. Akaashi's heart started to ache once more which caused tears to spill, this time more freely as Akaashi was in the comfort of his own room. So he cried, he cried and cried until eventually, we'll eventually Akaashi passed out.

When Akaashi woke up, the first thing he spotted was his phone lighting up over and over. So, with blurry eyes, Akaashi reached over and grabbed his phone. The time read 11:42pm, and the messages were both from Kenma and Bokuto. Akaashi sighed softly and first opened Kenma's. The messages read..

(Just go with the nicknames)


Akaashi? Why aren't you at school?


Keiji Akaashi, where are you?
Are you okay?
You don't miss school often, what going on?



Apologies Kenma, I wasn't feeling well and decided to stay home, I'll return back to school tomorrow.

Alright, take care Akaashi.
Try and message me earlier on next time, thank you.

{Bokuto's Messages to Akaashi}



You're not at school today, is everything okay?

I know you don't want to hear from me but I care about you, please, I just wanna make sure you're okay.


read 11:47pm

Akaashi put his phone down and felt that heartache start once again, he didn't know who he was more mad at. Himself or Bokuto. Bokuto for breaking his trust or himself for being an idiot and letting himself fall for Bokuto in the first place. No- he couldn't continue on with the train of thought, Akaashi sighed and got up. He wanted to just sleep through the day but his mother told him to make sure he ate, which Akaashi didn't want to do but he wouldn't go against his mothers wishes.

•𝐴 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑒́•|BokuAka|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن