{3.1/2}{Midnight Messages}{3.1/2}

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A/N: so this chapter will be just messages between the two(it'll also be a short one), and it takes place the day after Akaashi gave Bokuto his number. After school too. And the names for both is what the two have the others contact as. In this case, Bokuto has Akaashi down as 'Pretty Boy💙' and Akaashi has Bokuto down as 'Bokuto-san💛'. So formal Akaashi jeez~ ✌️

HEY HEY HEY!!! Akaashi!!

:Pretty Boy💙
Who is this exactly?

It's Bokuto!
You didn't forget about me did you???

:Pretty Boy💙
Oh, no of course not,
I just didn't recognize the number is all.

Sad ;-; what're you doin Akaaaashiiii?

:Pretty Boy💙
Homework, I've got a test tomorrow.
How about you, Bokuto-san?

Just being bored because Kuroo's busy ;-;

Ughhhh homework is so boring!!

:Pretty Boy💙
That's a shame, Bokuto-san.

I know, but I don't want to fail.
So I have no choice but to do it.

I've got a better idea! I know it's late but we should go for a walk, come on Akaashi it'll be fun, pleaseeee!! 🥺🥺

:Pretty Boy💙
Bokuto-san.. as much as I'd love to, I have work to do, I shouldn't..

Akaashhhiiiiii!! Pleaseeeeee🥺🥺
Just for a little? Pretty pleasee??

:Pretty Boy💙
I guess.. I can go for a small walk..

Really?!!?! SWEET!
Send me your address and I'll be there as quick as possible!!

:Pretty Boy💙
*address sent*
Try to be quiet, please.
My mother is asleep right now,
and she won't be happy if she's woken up.

Got it!! See you soon 'kaashi~!!💕

:Pretty Boy💙
See you soon, Bokuto-san.💕

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