{3.2/2}{Star Walk}{3.2/2}

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A/N: for those of y'all who've never been on a star walk, they're beautiful, highly recommended ^-^

Akaashi was getting ready in his room, trying to be as silent as possible, when a knock on his window caused him to jump.

At Akaashi's window was none other than Bokuto, which made Akaashi let out a small sigh of relief.

Akaashi walked over to his window and opened it, with a tad bit of a stern look.

"Bokuto-san, what're you doing?!" Akaashi whisper-yelled.

Bokuto just chuckled, those golden eyes shining as he did. Making Akaashi calm instantly.

"Calm down Akaashiii, isn't this how it goes, the cliché? Two high schoolers going out at midnight? I had to climb to your window, it's only right!"

"Ugh," Akaashi groaned. "I guess, lets just go already, I do not plan on getting in trouble for leaving the house at this hour." 

Bokuto only laughed and moved out of the way for Akaashi, and Akaashi himself left through the window, almost slipping as it wasn't to easy to balance on the roof, he didn't understand how Bokuto did it.

Bokuto was the first to get down, and once he did, he looked up to see Akaashi hanging on to the side of his windowsill.

"Uhh Bokuto-san.. I'm.. I'm not too sure about this.." Akaashi looked down, almost shaking.

The distance between the roof and the ground was terrifying, which Akaashi showed. He was petrified. Bokuto quickly took notice of that and moved a little closer, looking up to the roof at Akaashi.

"Shit.." Bokuto mumbled. "Just jump Akaashi, I'll catch you, I promise!" Bokuto held a bright smile, his aura was boosted with confidence as he was standing there, welcoming Akaashi with open arms.

Akaashi took a deep breathe and nodded, really hoping Bokuto was telling the truth. With that, Akaashi jumped and instantly regretted it. But, he wasn't hit with the impact of the hard ground like thought, no, the exact opposite.

Akaashi felt arms wrap around him tightly, and when he opened his eyes, he looked up to see Bokuto's face inches away from his. His face showed great relief with a bright smile, Akaashi couldn't help but stare, admiring that smile.


No answer.

" 'Kaashiiiii?"

No answer.

Bokuto sighed softly, before he got an idea. Without a single thought, Bokuto leaned in close, only stopping when the tip of his nose brushed Akaashi's. And he whispered.


Akaashi snapped out of his trance instantly as his face flushed a dark red, especially realizing how close Bokuto was.

"Uhm.. B-Bokuto-san..?" You could hear just how nervous Akaashi.

Bokuto distanced himself and laughed wholeheartedly while letting Akaashi go.

"Jeez Akaashi, I thought I lost you there!" Bokuto lightly slapped Akaashi's back, making Akaashi chuckle lightly while scratching the back of his neck.

"Sorry Bokuto-san."

"It's alright! Now come onnnnn, I wanna show you something!" With that, Bokuto took Akaashi's hand and led him off into the night, both teens letting out laughs as they ran.

It was a moment to be enjoyed, the cool midnight air chilling both, but the rush of running off warming them right back up. Both boys hearts were beating a million miles a minute, both held smiles so bright, yet they were smiles to only be seen by the other. It was a magical moment, and little did both know, it was only going to get better.

•𝐴 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑒́•|BokuAka|Where stories live. Discover now