Chapter 18. Gandalf's plan

Start from the beginning

'I wasn't able to come close to you and talk to you about our quest, but I knew it had to continue. Thorin Oakenshield must reclaim Erebor and take his rightful place on the throne. This can't happen without your help, (y/n). You have to tell, me in detail, what happened in the book and in the mo... movie, right?' Gandalf asked, frowning. You nodded. 'We have to come up with a plan on our own and make sure that the Durin's will survive.' Gandalf looked at you with a seriousness in his eyes that you hadn't seen there before. 'But isn't there somebody else who should die?' you asked bluntly. The room became awkwardly silent and you felt like you had said something wrong. 'What do you mean?' Gandalf asked.

You shifted on your seat. 'Well, I mean that the three of them are supposed to die at the end. If we prevent that, doesn't it mean that there are still other people supposed to die? We save three so three other's must die?' you asked. Marriet shot you a confused look, not sure what you meant. Gandalf shook his head. 'I don't know where you got that idea from (y/n). We can save them without losing three other's that we wouldn't have lost otherwise.' Relieved, you sighed. Of course you wanted to protect Thorin and his nephews but you would feel horrible if other's had to die because of it. 'And what about that magic trick?' you asked curious.

Gandalf smiled. 'I realized I could only get you to come with me on our quest if Thorin wouldn't guard your side, so he had to believe you were in a safe place' Gandalf explained. You frowned. 'You could have just told him that I would be more safe here in Rivendell, surely he would have listened to you' you said. Gandalf shook his head. 'It already took Balin's and Bilbo's help to convince him to let you get back to your own world. He would have never left you behind here with the elves, no matter if it would have been more safe for you.' You think about this for a second. Gandalf was probably right about this one. Thorin wouldn't let you out of his sight for more then just a few seconds, if he could help it.

'Now, I would like to hear more about the ending' Gandalf said and moved a little in his seat, making himself more comfortable. 'Alright, here it goes...' you started. Every now and then Gandalf would nod but didn't intervene. At the end he placed his fingertips against each other and leaned back in his chair. 'I think we have a lot to prepare until the Battle of the Five Armies.' The door was suddenly thrown open and a shocked Lindir stood on the doorstep. 'The dwarfs, Gandalf, they have left.' You laughed. 'Of course they did.' Gandalf merely chuckled.


(Four weeks later ~ Bilbo's P.O.V.)

'Are you alright?' I asked as I stood beside Thorin. Gandalf had joined us a few days ago and made sure we could stay with an old... With an old acquaintance, maybe, of his. The skin changer was more then willing to provide us with food and shelter after we told him Azog was hunting us. I couldn't thank him enough. Finally I had a nice place to sleep again and I had actual food on my plate. Well, not that the dwarves would call the 'green food' food, but it was great for me. The Company was sitting outside, around a fire, when I noticed that Thorin wasn't there. Since I had saved his life from Azog he and I had become fast friends.

And now that friend was no were to be seen. I excused myself from the Company and started to wander around. Surely he would be somewhere. Yet it took me a whole hour to find him. Thorin stood somewhere behind a giant beehive, hidden from view. I walked up to him and I didn't want to startle him when I asked him if he was alright, but it seemed like he hadn't heard me coming. He looked over his shoulder and when he saw it was me, he managed a soft smile. 'Bilbo, what are you doing here?' he asked. His voice was not the same as it had been before. Not after (y/n) had left on her own quest. Thorin didn't know she was still here, but I had overheard Gandalf and Elrond talking.

I didn't know what quest she had to complete but if it was important enough for her to leave Thorin behind... Well, I could only cover for her. 'I can ask the same to you, my King' I asked cheekily. Thorin tried to smile but I could see his eyes were sad, yearning to be next to (y/n) once more. 'Do you think she's getting better Bilbo?' he asked, looking at the starts above us. I looked up. There were so many stars out there tonight. Once, (y/n) had tried to explain to me what constellations were. I found it a very intriguing topic but unfortunately we didn't have the time to talk about the stars again. 'I believe she is. She is a strong woman and I think she can feel the love coming from you, even though she's in another world' I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

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