Chapter Sixteen ...Help

Start from the beginning

"Stop fucking moving!" The man shouted slapping hoodie hard in the face, hoodies head flung backwards for a moment craning his neck. Hoodie stopped struggling feeling light headed as he hung his head low

"Good," the man smirked getting closer to hoodie again, the other three started to struggle wanting help hoodie but they could do nothing but watch. The man pulled out a small box from his pocket opening it and showing six small blades inside that Wren was all to familiar with.

"There's even six of these, do you think we need that many?" The man said, their eyes were wide and on him they couldnt help but know what he was going to do. The man strides forwards with two small steps kneeling in front of hoodie. The man takes one of the flimsy razors out of the box fiddling with it in his fingers with a smirk. He takes hoodies sleeve into his hand and raises it over his bicep, showing his whole arm. The man brings the cold blade up to his upper bicep and makes the first slice, the cold burning sensation caused hoodie to hiss at the feeling. The man continued to make deep parallel cuts on the upper half of hoodies arm. Nobody spoke as the watched the torture happen, to far in their owns thoughts to do anything. The man had almost covered his whole upper arm in matching cuts, the blood had not only pooled to the surface of the cuts making droplets, but it was beginning to run down his arm and into the other cuts. Tears pricked at hoodies eyes as the sting of the pain was just a little to much for him, he felt the man was going easy on him. The man placed the wet blade down on his thigh,

"I have to show you the pain you caused me." The man whispered to him, bringing his nails up to the cuts he scraped them down each cut. Pain so overwhelming shoots through hoodie causing him to perk as he clenched his eyes shut as he let out a scream, tears finally falling down his cheeks. 'why am I not doing anything?' Wren asked herself wanting to help her partner.

"Please stop! Stop hurting him!" She shouted through her daze, feeling sick at what shes watching. Though he didn't answer standing up he walked over to her, he didn't say a word and kicked her in the stomach. Wren chocked

"Be fucking quiet." The man said. Wren felt something drip from her mouth it tasted of blood. She felt a vile rise up in her throat she couldn't stop it as it left past her bloodied lips and onto the ground in front of her. Wren hung her head looking at her own vomit not being able to take all of this pain at once she began to pass out again, her vision blurred until everything around her was black and silent.
The man walked back over to hoodie once again kneeling in front of him. In one swift motion he grabs hoodies neck pushing his head back as far as it could go and digs the blade into the fleshy part of his thigh. Hoodie released a wailed cry as he just keeps pushing it down further and further into his thigh, blood immediately comes spurting out, nearly spraying up to his fingers. Hoodies vision starts to blur as he blinks the tears away staring up at the ceiling, and real sobs started escaping his throat. He felt so weak so vulnerable he hated it, he wanted it over with already, to pass out and not feel anything anymore. The man pulls the blade out cutting down his thigh than pushing the blade in and squishing it around, he did this multiple times until his thighs were spotted with multiple gashes. The blood pools around the fatty white tissue and spills off his legs. Good thing the floor was concrete, or all that blood would've left a mess. Hoodie slips in and out of consciousness as he continues to cut him up. His heart beat weakly as he had lost a little bit too much blood for it to work properly, the man suddenly stopped realizing if he kept going hoodie could die. And he didn't want that yet he wanted all this to last until the end. He stood up putting the blade back into its casing with the others, and shoved it back into his pocket and pulled a thick roll of bandages out of his other pocket. He didnt bother to wipe his hands off as he tended to hoodies wound, at this point hoodie couldn't stay awake and passed out, finally feeling the relief of nothingness. Once the man finished wrapping the bandages over his blood soaked and sticky jeans he stood up finished, looking over his work intently. Masky and Toby finally snapped out of their daze and angerly looked at the man.

"Are you done mother fucker!?" Masky shouted at him, causing the man to look over at masky

"For now I am," he said walking over to masky. Leaning down to his face

"But I won't be if you keep fuckin' talking," he spat out. Masky didn't answer afraid as he was vulnerable at the moment, he only continued to glare at the man, same with toby.

"That's what I fuckin' thought." The man spat harshly again and leaned away, walking away from the four leaving the light on and leaving whatever this place is. Masky and toby sat in silence with their two passed out friends beside them, both were in shock. The room now had a discusting scent to it as it smelt of vomit and blood. The smell was strong and it caused masky to gag.

"Jesus c-Christ I hope they find us soon." Masky said voice faltering while speaking, toby could only agree in this situation as he was too scared to even speak.

Okay sooo that's the end of this chapter. The gore idea was not really my idea I had gotten it from a story NOT on wattpad so really its not fully my idea but whatever I didnt take the whole idea this is a totally different story ( I also used small bit of the dialogue from that story) (not edited😔)

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