Bonus Chapter

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Three years later

"we're back" Gulf shouted as soon as he got inside the house,

They just got back from the ceremony at Mew's hospital. Mew had finished his reserach experiment successfully and it had been under review for two years. It had been submitted to the USA for marking and it was a success. It was the first male pregnancy experiment so Mew received an award and so did the hospital he worked in. Gulf went as Mew's husband and no one really knew he had been the test subject except the higher-ups. It had been kept confidential for Gulf's sake.

"paa" a two and a half old toddler came running to the door screaming and giggling, Win on her heels playfully scaring her.

Gulf kneeled and opened his arms wide open. The girl ran in his arms and he stood up holding her tightly. He kissed her cheeks and the girl giggled.

"paa," she hid her face in Gulf's neck clinging tightly on his neck.

"what are you doing to my baby Uncle Win?"

"we were playing hide and seek," Win answered as he smiled at the display.

"hey angel, daddy is back too," Mew said kissing the girl's head, taking off his shoes.

"thanks for babysitting Win," let me change my clothes and come back,

Gulf tried to put her down, but she wouldn't. She hooked her legs around Gulf and refused to be put down,

"like mother like daughter" Mew muttered as he went to change his clothes.

They went together to the bedroom and Gulf came back changed. Win was having water in the kitchen.

"where is she?"

"P'Mew is putting her down for a nap. Thank you so much for this. Its been a while since we've gone out."

"parenting is not easy, I know,"

"how are you doing? Have you seen him after that day?"

"its been a few years, the day you moved out of the house was the day I last saw him. I just don't want anything to do with him or the lifestyle."

"It's totally understandable,"

"what time did Mild leave?" Gulf changed the topic when he realized how somber the mood was turning.

"he left a few minutes before you returned."

"we brought you lunch, let me go and get it from the car," Gulf said standing up.

"Let's go together." Win got up and went after Gulf.

In the baby room, Mew rocked on a chair holding his baby safely in his arms, the lullaby machine sounding on the table next to the chair. When he was sure she was sleeping, he placed her on the bed and tucked her in.

"I love you angel," He said, and left quietly.

He saw Win and Gulf come in holding bags of food and he went to the dining table to join them.

They sat as Win ate lunch and they kept him company. They spent the day harmoniously and Win left a few hours later. The rest of the day went well and that night as Mew and Gulf were laying in the bed, Mew said,

"I love you so much,"

"I love you too," Gulf replied,

"I don't how I got lucky with you, not only have you fulfilled every wish in my life, but you made me complete."

"I agree with you," Gulf cockily answered and they both chuckled. "I mean from an ideal date, to an ideal marriage, what more can you ask for,"

"do you know what I'm most proud of?" Mew asked,

"the ideal family that you've always wanted?"

"the ideal husband that I've always dreamt of. I'm so proud of you love, I don't know what I would've done without you."

Gulf smiled and pecked Mew on the cheek.

That concluded their night.

They were looking forward to another day full of love and happiness.

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