"This should be fun."

Rosalie led the tall brunette into a classroom that mirrored its neighbours.

"So, where's Emmett?"
"The idiot decided to take physics instead" Rosalie laughed in the knowledge of her husband's regret toward his selection.
Carmen's laugh followed but was cut off as a short, older woman silenced the class. Her sickly sweet shrill echoed the room and the two girls shared a glance, Carmen immediately understanding Rosalie's distaste toward the woman.

"Good morning! How is this lovely day for you all?" The woman was met with silence in response, failing to realise the students' distaste toward her. Apparently, she'd set them three assignments last week, thus prompting the student body's obvious repugnance toward her.

"Yes, well I believe we have a new addition to our class!" Oh no.

"Miss Carmen Swan, ah yes dear, I am Ms Shard, your new ethics teacher! Please come to the front and tell us about yourself darling" she stated excitedly before guiding a grimacing Carmen from her desk to the front.

"Go ahead dear" Ms Shard prompted as she ignored the snickers from the beautiful blonde at the back.
"Uh um, I'm Carmen. I moved here from Arizona with my twin" she stated awkwardly before attempting to retreat to her desk but was ushered back to the front by the woman. 
"Now something about yourself dear!"

The tall girl sent a grimace to Rosalie who continued to snicker as she pushed her chair onto its back legs.

However, a smirk appeared on Carmen's lips as an idea popped into her head.

"Um, well, I like kittens, Gilmore girls and I make blood donations to Satan every month."

Carmen strode back to her desk before the mortified woman could keep her at the front. The girls howled with laughter, Rosalie included. But the boys... well, they look confused and frankly...a tad afraid. Including Mike who had paled significantly.


"Hey, badass" Alice teased as she skipped in sync with Carmen who raised an eyebrow at the new nickname. "Rosalie informed me of how you petrified some boys this morning."
Carmen laughed guiltily as she linked her arm with Alice's.

"All in a days work, Dear Al," she said she said with her best impersonation of Ms Shard as the two giggled down the hall.

"So I'm assuming you'll be sitting with us at lunch," Alice asked but more stated as she dragged Carmen to her family's table.

Carmen laughed and followed, grateful for the small pixie's warm welcome.

Rosalie nudged Emmett to move over as he had the day before but Alice caught the blonde's eye and shook her head subtly. She inclined her head at the blonde boy who glared at his sister in response.

Carmen took a seat the Alice left in between herself and Jasper who had become as still as a statue. They cast her happy smiles, grateful for a change from the years set on repeat, although Rose would never admit it. Although Carmen realised how uncomfortable the boy next to her seemed. With the knowledge from Bella yesterday, she was keenly aware of where Jasper's dark eyes remained.

"Carmen, we need your opinion, this debate has been continuing for months and we need your vote to tip the scale," Alice stated, as serious as Carmen had ever seen the light-hearted girl.

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