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I give up.

I had tried to be your friend but I give up.

Being around you is like treading around an active volcano. All it takes is one wrong move or one unlucky moment for you to blow your top. I'm genuinely terrified of you because as you have said to me before, I'll never know your true intentions.

I thought that was fine at first, but as the days went by and our conversations became lengthier, I realised I was wrong. You always said questionable things without explaining. I could never tell if you were serious or joking.

Everytime you hurt me with your aggressive jokes and we have a mini-fight, a part of my heart turns cold.

You told me that I would never want to face your wrath. Naive me back then thought I could handle whatever "wrath" that you would throw my way. I should never have thought about it in the first place. I regret ever trying to get into your heart. You were right, I can't stand it.

You are a good person I know. Regardless of how idiotic you think I am, the insults you throw my way or your small outbursts, you always end up helping me, academic-wise at least. When it was your birthday, you chose me to celebrate it with you. When you chance upon something interesting on Youtube or Tiktok, you would share it with me.

For all these, I'm happy.

So by giving up, I don't mean I'm throwing away our friendship. I'm just going to stop trying to understand you and trying to reach the part of you that you hide from everyone. I guess there is a reason that you hide it and I'm sorry I'm not the person who will find the key to your heart.

Honestly, I'm tired of this futile chase and so tired of letting you into my heart. So I'm giving up. Giving up on you.

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