My lie to you

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"Do you remember this place?"

"...Yeah...It's been such a long time since I've came here. The decorations have changed..." I say with a weak smile plastered on my face.

"Let's sit over there." Trying to bring your attention away from the seating arrangements, I quickly suggest to sit at the end of the cafe.

"Why not we try the spot we used to always sit at instead?" You pipe up, just like I had feared.

"H-hmm? What spot?"

"You know, the one by the window with a single rose in a vase as decoration?"

"Now that you've mentioned it... I think I've got a brief idea..."

"Then let's go there!"

"O-ok..." All I do is meekly follow behind the cheerful you in front, looking at your long flowy hair as it sways in sync with your light steps.

It's been a few years, and you still haven't changed. Enthusiastic. And beautiful. As always.

"How have you been these few years?"

"Pretty good I guess?" I give you a small hopeful smile, praying you will believe it.

"I heard you are still single? I'm surprised you haven't gotten a girlfriend yet."

Alarmed by the sudden question, I stumble over my words. " a few people... But you know I probably couldn't give them a sense of security, and so the relationship always ended..."

It's a lie. After you, I never did date anyone else.

"Really...huh." You look at me as if only half believing what I had just said.

"Yeah..." Hearing the doubt in your voice, I pull on another quick smile. "How's your work? Need any help?" You finally flash me a cheeky grin and say no.

You continue to question the many aspects of my life and I do my best to reply.

Your interest in my life ignited a small spark in my chest. Are you going to give our relationship a second chance?

I should have known that wasn't the case.

Our dinner and conversation ends with you passing me a card. On it was a picture of you in a wedding dress.

You look beautiful.

But it hurts.

"Wow. Getting married huh... Congratulations..." I say, head down so you will not see my teary eyes.

"Hey... Are you sure you are ok?" You ask, concern present in your voice. "Our relationship might not have worked out, but we are still colleagues and I'm worried for you."

It took everything in me to look up and stare at you in the eye with a bright smile.

"Yeah. I'm fine. But I don't think I'll be able to attend your wedding as I have a prior engagement. I'm sorry I won't be able to witness the joyful moment."

Another lie. I just didn't want to see you with another guy.

"Are you really sure you are fine?"

"Y-yeah. I am. You know me. I would never lie to you."

I'm sorry but let me at least keep my pride and pretend that I'm happy.

You seem to believe me and you get up to leave.

I give an excuse to stay at the cafe for a bit longer as you take your leave, wishing me the best of luck in my love life.

I give you another weak smile as I hug you goodbye.

As I watch you go, the aching in my chest dulls and I sit there, silently staring at my coffee cup.

Please forget about me and be the happiest bride around.
Meanwhile, I'll continue my solo journey on this road called life. One day, I'll turn around to look back and realise that actually, I missed this bittersweet pain of love.

Author's note:
So this is based on the song [Fairy tale] by Yoga Lin (it's a chinese song).

I changed some details but the monologue at the end is more or less the translated monlogue in the mv. It's so good but sad. :')

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