23 51

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It was dark out by the time I finished my work.

Grabbing my coat, I scurried out of office.

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

A nagging feeling started to brew inside me. Maybe I had forgotten something back in the office.

However, the lighted screen of my watch showed a time near midnight and I just wanted to go home to relax after a long day of hard work. Finding a taxi at this time would be hard too. It was rare that cars would even pass by this part of town.

Ignoring the feeling, I quickened my steps to the bus stop.

But that day, the trip seemed to take forever.

I kept walking and walking and walking, but I never seemed to reach the bus stop which was only a 5-minutes walk away. I couldn't even catch sight of it.

Glancing at my watch once again, I realised that my definition of a very long time had barely been a minute.

Something felt very wrong.

I started walking faster and faster. I broke into a sprint.

I ran and ran and ran.

I ran till my lungs were near the brink of collapse before I stopped, heavily panting.

I turned to look at my watch once again.

23 51.

Nothing had changed. Not the second. Not the minute. Not the hour.





I could feel myself shiver and my palms started to moisten.

What was going on?

Why wasn't time moving?

"Cawww..." I jumped, alarmed by the sudden crow. This caused the nearby crow to emerge from the trees, noisily flapping its wings to get away from me.

A brief sense of relief washed over me.

Before I had a chance to do anything, I heard another cry.

Then, millions of other similar dark winged creatures flocked out from the trees.

I was too scared to even move an inch. I just stood there wide-eyed and rooted to the asphalt ground.

They closed in, circling around me.

I crouched down in fear, covering my ears and shutting my eyes tight in hope of blocking out the overwhelming hoarse calls of the crows.

Did I do something wrong?

Why was this happening to me?

I never wanted to die so soon...

Endless thoughts raced past my mind.

But as I felt the presence of the crows get nearer by the second, my mind blanked out.

I braced myself.

The sharp edges of a wing cut my face, leaving a mild sting and the slow trickling of blood. Then...


"Beeeeeeeeeeeppp!" I was greeted with blinding headlights as I slowly opened my eyes.

Shocked, I tumbled backwards.

"Screeeechhh" The car came to a sudden halt and the door to the driver's side clicked opened, revealing a man.

With my eyes finally adapting to the surrounding darkness, i feverishly glanced around, causing my line of sight to fall on the car plate number.


I looked up in fear.

Under the weak moonlight, I watched as the man broke out into a grin.

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