Everything has changed but you

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It was 2pm in the afternoon.

Luckily, I was fortunate to not have the honour of meeting the infamous afternoon Sun. The sky was fully covered with fluffy clouds, leaving only a hint of the Sun's glory.

I strolled along the once familiar road dragging my luggage behind me.

A slight sense of nostalgia seeped into my chest and soon, memories started to flash in my mind.

That corner. Wasn't that where I liked to play as a kid?

In that moment, I could see the young me running into the alley with other equally thrilled kids chasing after.

It seemed that only this part of the road had remained as I remembered. As I turned to the next street, I found myself lost in the bustling district.

This used to be a quiet part of town with quaint little houses littering the side of the roads, but now, the little cottage like houses had upsized to bigger, more modernised ones. There was even a mall at the end of the street.

Nothing really looked the same and I found myself confused.

I checked the road sign, to double confirm that I had turned in the right corner.

To my slight disappointment, there was no mistake.

I pulled along my luggage and continued journeying down the foreign looking street.

Finally, I reached the end, just a junction away from the mall. There, lay a small house, obviously overshadowed by its bigger neighbours. But the only familiar thing in this modernised neighbourhood.

I timidly knocked on the door and waited.

"Who is it?" I hear a frail voice call from the inside.

"It's me, Grandma..."

I hear shuffling, and soon the door is flung open revealing a petite elderly lady.

"You're back!" She excitedly called out.

"Yeah I am!"

Admist all the excitement of finally meeting my grandma again, I couldn't help but notice that she looked thinner and frailer than I last recalled her to be.

"...I missed you Grandma..."

"Awww... Darling, I missed you too."

She pulls me into a short warm embrace.

"Come in. I've just baked some cookies!" She says with the biggest smile and kindest eyes.


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