lonely pt.6

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"Today, police have found a little girl, draped in rags and frozen in the snow. This girl was reported to have been holding a bundle of used matchsticks..."

My mobile phone buzzed, a message from him. "Did you see the news? Do you like my present?"

"Today the police have found two new bodies. That of a man and a woman. The man had been frozen and sunk to the bottom of the lake. The woman on the other hand, is fixed in a position of  prayer on a bench near the waters..."

"How 'bout now? Will you forgive me now?"

"Billionare John Mayer is found dead in his home. With makeup put on, he looks so full of life it is hard to believe he is dead. On his windowsill, a dead nightingale was discovered."

"How do you like my tribute? Do you want more?"

"The daughter of the CEO of Ikio, Tristan Ikioson, was found dead in her bedroom. She was found lying on 10 mattresses and at the bottom most mattress was a pea..."

"How's that?"

"A woman was found along the beach of Brighton. Her legs were waxed together to form a tail like structure. She was killed with a knife through her heart. This is the fifth incident by this killer whom people call the 'Christian Andersen killer'."

"Mr Lector, the mermaid. Was that you? Have you forgiven me?"


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