"Alright Calum. So, which one of these lovely ladies is going to be trying on dresses today?"

Calum reached over, placing his hands on my shoulders and pulling me in front of him. "Peyton!"

"Well hello Peyton. I'm Randy. Let me know if you need help with anything. Other than that, we have all the dresses out on the floor in one size. All the other sizes are in the back so if you find a few dresses, then you can holler at me and I can get them all in your size for you." He instructed me.

"Alright! Thank you." I waited for him to walk away before I turned around to face Cal and Molly who were already looking at dresses for me.

"Why did you guys bring me somewhere so fancy for a dress? We could've gone to like Macy's."

"I wanted to treat you and I'm not going to cheap out on that." Calum reminded me.

"C'mon Pey. Stop complaining and look at these beautiful dresses! Mikey has never done something like this for me and we've been dating for a while." Molly pointed out.

"Yeah Pey! Listen to Molly."

"Fine. I'm sorry." I apologized.

The three of us split up. Calum sat on a chair that was closer to the dressing room too lazy to go and look at dresses. Molly and I shuffled through endless racks of dresses, successfully finding seven dresses that we decided that I should try on. Luckily the one size that was on display was my size so we didn't have to bother Randy to go and find another size dress.

I took all seven dresses into the dressing room at once and started with the dresses that Molly and I had chosen. The first three were immediately disapproved by all three of us. The next three were maybes. The seventh one I struggled to get on by myself. I stood in the dressing room for about two minutes just trying to zip up the dress. I could hear Calum and Molly talking to each other but I was too focused on zipping up this damn dress to listen to what either of them were saying.

"Fuck it." I decided, giving up and realizing that I needed Molly's help. I went to open the door seeing that Calum was gone and Molly was just sitting there. "Where did Cal go?"

"To look at more dresses for you because he doesn't think that any of the dresses you have will do you any justice... but he means that in a good way." Molly defended him.

"Whatever he wants to do. This is his idea." I backed up towards Molly. "Can you zip me up?" I felt the zipper go up easily as Molly pulled it up.

"You know, he totally has the world's biggest crush on you." Molly smiled like an idiot behind me.

"We're best friends." I sighed aloud.

"So, that doesn't mean he can't like you." She replied quickly. "What if he asks you out?!" She gasped full of excitement.

"Then we'd have a problem." I admitted to her.

"Why? Wouldn't you say yes? You two are like a fairytale movie love story with the cliché best friends falling in love."

"I don't believe in love Molly. That's why we'd have a problem."

"You don't believe in love?" Molly's jaw dropped.

"I mean, I believe that other people could be in love because like, look at you and Michael. I believe in loving things like music or foods or British accents... I just don't believe that I'll fall in love. It's just a weird concept to me." It was weird having to tell this to someone other than Ashton or Mama Irwin, but it was nice to get it off my chest actually.

"Wow. I didn't know that."

"It's not something I really bring up. Only a few people know about it. It's not like a conversation starter or good gossip." I informed her.

"Why don't you believe in love?" I could tell that telling Molly that I didn't believe in love made her sad. "Has it always been like this?"

"First of all, personal reasons that I don't want to talk about and I used to believe in love when I was a little girl. That little girl just grew up and grew out of fairytales and all that shit. You know?" Molly shrugged, not sure how to answer the question.

"Anyways, what do you think about this dress?" I ran my hands over the fabric a few times and tilted my head. Molly and I glanced at each other in the mirror and shook out heads no.

"Pey!" Calum came running back with a dress in his hands. "First of all, no." He pointed to the dress that I had on.

"Good because we just voted no also." Molly approved of his response.

"Secondly, I found the perfect dress for you." He extended his arm in my direction as he handed me a hanger that held a cute little black dress. The sleeves were made out of a lace like material and the dress itself had a thin layer of lace over the tight body. The back was scooped down and it was actually really nice if you asked me.

"I thought you didn't know dresses Hood. I thought that's why I had to wake up early this morning and tag along." Molly raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know dresses." Calum argued.

"Your dress choice would say otherwise." Molly disagreed.

"I'm just going to try this dress on." I walked away from the two of them so they could argue over something stupid.

The dress slid on easily and I quickly patted down the fabric so that there weren't too many wrinkles on it. I stared over my shoulder into the mirror to see how my back looked.

This dress was actually perfect. Props to Calum for finding it because I don't think that Molly and I would've found it.

"Ready?" I called out but no one answered.

I ignored the lack of response and just decided to walk out. Calum was sitting on the chair and Molly was pacing around. "Seriously Calum?" Molly's voice was a mixture of pitty and anger.

"I can't help it. I'm sorry." Calum apologized to her.

"Wait, can't help what?" I interjected.

Both pairs of eyes were now on me and the previous conversation had been dropped as if it never happened. Molly spoke first. "Pey! I love this dress on you." She hugged me. "And I brought a pair of heels that would go perfectly with it."

"Thanks! What do you think Calum?" I rotated my body so that I was directly in front of Calum.

"Shit Pey. When did my best friend get so hot?" he nervously chuckled.

"Stop Cal." I hit him jokingly.

"Seriously though, you have to get this dress because I've never seen an article of clothing look so good on someone."

"I have." I told him.

"Really?" His eyebrows rose.

"Yeah. Your sweater on me." I smirked at him.

"God I hate you sometimes."

"Sometimes." I repeated his words.

"Only sometimes." He agreed. "Now, let's buy this dress and get back to the hotel. Dress shopping is exhausting." He yawned.

"This was your idea." I reminded him.

"Yeah yeah yeah, shut up Pey."

"Thanks Cal."

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