Chapter 42

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Peyton's POV

"So, are you two good now?" Ashton smiled hopefully from the other side of the table while eating his toast with vegemite.

"We're a lot better." Calum told him, placing his hand on my knee.

Calum and I had woken up before everyone else which was weird because we were probably the last two to go to bed. We had talked about how I liked him and like how he liked that I liked him, but we never defined anything. Calum didn't want to push anything with me because he knows how fragile this whole topic was with me so he didn't bring it up this morning (not that he would've really had a chance to because we only had a few minutes before Ashton walked down the stairs and greeted us) and I didn't mention it because I wasn't eager to define anything to be honest. Sure, being boyfriend and girlfriend wouldn't be that bad, but as you already know, I'm awful with commitment and I wasn't going to get his hopes up any more than I already had.

"It took you guys long enough." Ashton laughed as Luke walked down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and seeing Calum sit next to me.

"What is this?"

"We're better." I told him, "we talked some things over last night and now I guess we aren't fighting anymore."

"Just like that?" Luke seemed kind of surprised.

"Just like that." Calum agreed.

"Well, I'm just happy that you guys made up because I don't think that my body could handle another Peyton run at this point." Luke was relieved and I glared at him.

"You didn't have to run with me if you didn't want to you ass." I scolded him.

"I know, but I wanted to." Luke sat down by Ashton.

"Then don't complain Hemmings." I warned him.

"I'm not complaining, but-"

"Yes you were Luke." Calum butted in.

"Oh god." Luke moaned, throwing his head back and rolling his eyes.

"What?" Ashton laughed.

"I forgot that they always take each other's sides when they aren't fighting so when you argue with one of them, you're really arguing with both of them." Luke sighed, earning a giggle from me and a smile from Calum.

It was normal.

I missed this.

I missed normal.

"Whoa there Calum!" Molly yelled while walking into the kitchen to join everyone else.

"What?" Calum asked confused.

"I see what you're doing with your hand there." She winked in his direction and I immediately felt the presence of his hand disappear from my leg.

"What?" Michael rubbed his eyes like a sleepy little kitten.

"What did he do with his hand?" Molly's comment had caught Ashton's attention.

"I mean, do you want me or the lovebirds to tell you?" Molly taunted us.

"Lovebirds?" Ashton raised an eyebrow.

"Are you two like- ya know," Michael yawned before sitting between Ashton and Molly, "together?"

"We're better now." I didn't confirm or deny it and Calum wasn't going to say anything because he didn't want to fuck his new found relationship up within the first few hours.

"We were thinking about going out for breakfast. Did you guys want to come?" Molly spoke. Ashton glanced down at his half eaten piece of toast on the plate while Luke stared at the box of cereal that he had placed down on the counter.

"Breakfast sounds good." Luke smiled, placing the box back into the cabinets.

"I'm always up for more food." Ashton laughed, placing his dish in the sink and standing up to join Michael and Molly.

"I think that I'm just going to stay here." I yawned, exhausted because of the lack of sleep I had recieved last night between tossing and turning and talking to Calum.

"I'm going to stay home with Pey."

"Of course you are." Molly winked at Calum who in exchange gave her a weird facial expression.


"Nothing." Molly lied, "let's go boys."

Molly waited with Michael momentarily while Luke and Ashton changed into some more decent clothing than the pajamas that they had been sitting in the house in. I got up and placed Calum and my dishes into the sink with Ashton before walking towards the couch and plopping down. Calum sat next to me a minute later before turning on the TV. I rested my head on his shoulder and heard Molly make some kissy noises in the background.


Completely and utterly back to normal.

"We're ready!" Luke and Ashton announced once they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Have fun guys!" I told them as Calum once again placed his hand on my thigh and moved his hand up and down my leg, smiling like a kid as I glanced over and glared at him.

The door closed and Calum muted the television before staring at me and grinning like a kid on Christmas morning, "you look pretty right now."

"You look stupid."


"You're grinning like a fool."

"I'm happy."

"It's so early though. How could you possibly be that happy?"

"I'm sitting here with a beautiful girl who also happens to be my best friend and all our troubles are behind us." He was such a sappy teenage boy.

I blushed. Something about him calling me beautiful just made my stomach do backflips and my heart just melt. Sure, he has called me beautiful on a daily basis for as long as I've known him, but after everything happened, it was different.

"Aw, you're blushing."

"You're making me!" I blamed him, covering my cheeks.

"Stop, you're adorable when you blush."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Now, I had seen this in as many movies and television shows as you could imagine, so I knew exactly what he wanted me to do at this point; kiss him.

"Maybe I will." I sat up, throwing one leg over his lap and looking him directly in the eyes as he smiled and placed his hands on my hips.


"Really." I placed my hands on his cheeks and leaned in, placing my lips on his gently and kissing him for a few moments, feeling the weight of the world fall off of my shoulders.

"HA!" I heard a female voice scream as the door swung open and I moved my face away from Calum's. "I KNEW IT. I KNEW THEY WERE TOGETHER."

The rest of the boys followed Molly in and I guess they all watched the whole thing unfold. "What?" Calum played dumb.

"Mate, we saw you two kissing; you don't have to play dumb." Ashton announced.

"Plus Peyton's still on your lap," Michael pointed out.

"I KNEW YOU WERE DATING." Molly cheered, "IT'S HAPPENING, FINALLY!" She danced around the room.

"Shut up Molly."

"Peyton and Calum sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g," she hummed as I just hid my face in Calum's arms and heard the others laughing at her.

"Sorry we didn't tell you Ash," Calum apologized.

"Don't worry bro." Ashton replied, "just remember if you fuck this up again, I wouldn't be as nice."

"I wouldn't fuck anything up again. I don't know what I'd do without her." Calum held my face in his hands, "I love her."

"And I really really really like you."


last chapter :'( all thats left is the epilogue. x

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