Chapter 28

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I don't understand why I was the first one awake for the third day in a row, but I was not happy with myself. I know I should probably start doing something useful with my mornings when it came to waking up, but I couldn't bring myself to.

The only thing I wanted to do was lay out by the pool and drink something out of a glass with a little umbrella, but then again, I was lazy and we didn't have any little umbrellas to put in drinks, so I settled with a naked juice that I poured into a glass and stuck a bendy straw in.

I stood by the door, wincing my eyes at the reflection of the sun bouncing off the glass and sighing. It was nice outside. I should go outside.

I placed my juice on the kitchen table before running to my room to change into my bathing suit so I could tan. I hadn't had good tanning time and my natural tan that I usually have from just being in Australia was slowly, but surely, fading into oblivion.

I grabbed my juice before I slowly crept out the door, making sure not to make too much noise because I didn't want to wake anyone else up. I placed it down on the side table, lathering on a weak sunblock because I wanted to get tan, not miserably burned.

I put on sunglasses and my earbuds, slowly drifting off to another world and almost falling asleep in the process.

"Mind if I join you my lady?" Calum's voice pulled me out of my relaxation and startled the shit out of me as he pulled up one of the lounging chairs that was located by the pool so that it was directly next to mine.

"Of course!" I smiled, turning my face to watch him struggle with getting the towel to lay perfectly upon the chair.

Calum only struggled for a minute more before he decided that it wasn't going to get better and he just sat on the messy towel. "So, what are you up to?"

"I woke up early and I was bored and I'm pale so I decided to tan a bit."

"Pey, you're the furthest thing from pale." Calum laughed, pulling his shirt over his head and laying down next to me.

"I'm getting paler though."

He placed his arm next to mine as sighed, "you're still tanner than me." He reminded me as if that was my tan standard, not that I had a tan standard.

"Shut up." I jokingly told him.

"Eh, don't feel like it." He rejected my suggestion that I considered more of a joking demand.

"What are you doing up this early anyways?" I changed the subject at hand.

"I don't really know. I just woke up and I couldn't fall back asleep and I looked out my window and saw you laying here so I decided to join you." He informed me as his stomach grumbled and he pretended like he couldn't hear it, even though I'm sure those people who were still sleeping in the house could've heard it.


"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I shook my head no and sighed, knowing where this conversation was going.

"Wanna go out for breakfast?"

"You call the cab and I'm going to throw on some real clothes." I instructed him, saying yes in the most obvious way possible.

"Wonderful." He jumped up right away as I slowly made my way back into the house, throwing on a tank top that Ashton had hand made for me from a shirt a fan had given him that was too small and a pair of jean shorts, along with flip flops. I grabbed my phone and didn't even bother bringing my wallet because I knew that Calum was going to insist on paying no matter what.

"Ready to go?" He peaked his head in the doorway and smiled at me like a child.

"Ready as I'll ever be Hood." I met him in the doorway as he grabbed my arm and lead me to the cab that was waiting out front for us. Everyone in the house was still asleep, so I scribbled a little note on a piece of paper telling whoever woke up first that Cal and I were going out for breakfast and to give our phones a ring if they needed us.

I've Got This Friend ( c.h )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora