Chapter 36

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Molly's POV

I woke up and groaned, irritated that the only source of light coming from the window was projected onto my face, thus waking me up.

I tried to go back to sleep, but was unsuccessful while left me with my thoughts. Today's thought choice was Peyton and Calum.

If you can't tell, I'm a very opinionated person and if you mess with someone that I love, I have no trouble fucking you up- example A: The fight between Lucy and Peyton.

I want to say that I'm a reasonable person, but this whole relationship made me question what I considered reasonable because I love these two but they are fucked up. I mean, that's just my opinion. I've never been in a situation like this so I can't really pretend like I know what's going on and I love giving advice to people because I love to help people but I couldn't if Peyton didn't want to talk about it.

I haven't even talked to her about it recently because she was hidden away from everyone except for Luke. I don't understand why she was letting Luke in and closing everyone else out. I don't even know if they talked or what they talked about. The two of them just went on runs constantly.

Okay, I lied when I said I never saw Peyton. I saw her, but only when she was leaving to go on a run and even then she had headphones in her ears and had the music loud enough to a point of where no one could talk to her. Luke usually followed a minute after and they both got back around the same time.

Honestly, this whole situation was stupid. If I could just say what I needed to say to make the whole thing better, I would but I'm sure that Peyton or Calum would end up getting mad at me because well, this was a more personal matter and even though I liked helping and getting my say in there, I didn't like to create problems.

The boys assumed that I would take Peyton's side in this whole situation and I kind of did because I hate that bitch Lucy. However, I could see where Calum was coming from. There were so many sides to this story that you couldn't just pick a side easily without trying and weighing in what the other person was going through.

I felt bad for Calum. He was there when Peyton wanted him, but when she didn't want him back (for sure at least) he went with Lucy. I mean, he does have the right to go to Lucy. Him and Peyton weren't dating and weren't officially an item of any sorts. He's a famous teenage boy and if he wanted to get laid, he should be allowed to get laid. And Calum was an attractive guy, not that I was attracted to him, but I could see why so many girls liked him and I don't know why Peyton couldn't just learn how to believe in love. Calum would be a good guy to go through that with.

But, going with Lucy did make Calum seem like an asshole. I feel like he seemed like such a bad guy because he happened to chose the bitchiest girl on the west coast of the United States to try to hook up with, but it was his right. Peyton knows that she loves him, I know she loves him, and I'm sure that the other boys know that she loves him, but Calum doesn't know that she loves him and at this point he is too confused and messed up to realize something so obvious.

Calum can never win.

I glanced over at Mikey who was still sprawled across the bed before slowly getting up and making sure not to wake him up. I stared at his bare arm for a second, admiring his new tattoo and smiling to myself.

Goddamnit. Why does my boyfriend have to be sucha dork?

I walked down the stairs slowly trying to see if I could hear any voices. Depending on who was down there, I would have to decide if I wanted to eat breakfast now or later. If Calum and Ashton were the only two down there, I would definitely avoid the room.

I didn't hear anyone so I continued my walk down the stairs until I saw Luke sitting at the kitchen table alone, eating a bowl of cereal and scrolling through his phone. I sighed in relief before I grabbed a bagel and toasted it.

I've Got This Friend ( c.h )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें