Chapter 20

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Michael and I stared at each other momentarily as I waited for him to say something and he waited for me to say something back to him. However, neither of us knew exactly how to react to the situation at hand.

Michael finally spoke, "Why'd you call him?"

"I don't know. I was drunk." I reminded him, not that it would help the fact that I had drunk called Calum.

"How drunk?"

"So drunk that I'm sure that I wouldn't have remembered calling him if I hadn't looked at my phone call history."

"It's actually all so clear to me now." Michael sighed. "I would be off my FIFA game too if the girl that I loved who said she didn't love me back drunk called me."

"I'm sorry!" I apologized, guilt talking over my body. If the headache wasn't making me regret drinking last night, this discovery sure did. "God, I'm never drinking again." I ran my hand through my wet hair.

"We both know that's bullshit." Michael called me out. "Do you even remember what you said to him or what he said to you or anything about the basis of the phone call?"

"If I did, then I wouldn't be this stressed." I ran my fingers through my wet hair.


"What should I do Michael?"

"Why are you asking me? You think I'm good at this stuff? Molly is the one who is good at advice." Michael quickly tried to get uninvolved with the situation.

"Well, maybe you are good with this stuff too! I mean, you and Molly have been together for almost two years. I'm sure that has to count for something. I mean, you wouldn't have been together this long if you were bad at relationships."

"You make it sound like we had no troubles in our relationship." Michael told me, even though we both knew it was rare for the two of them to have relationship problems or even a fight.


"No." Michael cut me off, "I don't want to get involved in the middle of relationship drama from a relationship that isn't even a relationship. I don't even like to get involved in the relationship drama from my relationship when there is drama."

"Fine, then get me Molly."


"Call her."

"Why don't you call her?" Michael was now acting like it was a bad thing to talk to his girlfriend which was weird because in any other situation we couldn't get them apart from each other.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

"Because I don't want to get involved."

"No, you're probably just too lazy." I snapped at him, wincing in pain due to the fact the severity of my headache was increasing.

"Yeah." Michael agreed.

"Fine." I pulled out my phone and failed Molly's number, hoping that she would pick up right now because if there was one time I really needed her, it would be now.


Hello, you've reached Molly! Sorry I can't get to the phone right now but if you leave your name and a message, I'll totally get back to you as soon as possible.

I hung up the phone without leaving a message because leaving a message for her would do me absolutely no good at this point in the situation. I stared intensely at Michael while I tried to think of another way to get ahold of her or fix the situation.

"Call Calum." I instructed.

"Why?" Michael's eyes widened at my idiotic idea.

"Because, I want you to talk to him and see what he's up to."

"No way. That's not a good idea."

"Come on. We can find out if he's almost done with Molly because then I can talk to her."

"Huh?" I swear, with the way that Michael was reacting you'd think that I was talking in a foreign language.

"Michael, if you don't want to help me then I need someone who does, alright?"

"I guess." Michael shrugged.

"Now, pull out your phone and call him causally."

"You remind me of Molly."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're so demanding."

"Just shut up and call him." I rolled my eyes and waited for him to actually follow one of my instructions.

I watched Michael more intensely than I probably should've. I was overstressing something that I didn't need to. Or maybe I did need to overstress it. I'm not sure. Everything was too complicated at this point.

"Hey bro." Michael spoke as I leaned in and tried to move my ear closer to the phone so that I could see what Calum had to say.

I could barely hear what Calum had to say, but I could hear something and that was good enough for me."Hey Mikey."

"What's up? You feeling better?"

"Eh, kinda."

"Do you happen to have my lovely girlfriend with you?"

"Nope." Calum said quickly. "She was feeling hungover and miserable so I brought her back to the hotel room and let her sleep."

"Aw, go figure. Anyways, you sound alright. Did Molly help you and give you advice from a girl's perspective?"

"A little. To be honest, she wasn't much help because of the being hungover part, but I'm just trying to figure things out myself. Did you want to hang out?" Michael glanced over at me and I nodded towards him, telling him that he could go hang out with Calum because I was probably just as miserable as Molly.

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"I'm in my room. I just started to write a new song and I want you to hear it. Well, I've actually started like three."

"Three songs? How?" Michael was in disbelief and I was too. Sure, Calum could write song after song after song, but three songs at once was insanity.

"I was inspired." He paused, "only one of them is actually really good though. One of them is just random lines and sounds like shit and the third song is just an old song that I went back to that you've heard plenty of times."

"Wow, well, go you. I'll be over in a few minutes." He hung up the phone and licked his lips. "You're sure that you don't mind me going over there?"

"Nope. I'm just going to be a downer anyways." I assured him.

"Thank you Peyton."

"No problem Mikey."

"Wait, before I go," Michael stopped at the door, "how have you been?"

"I've been fine." I lied in the most convincing way that I knew.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise you."

"Alright." Michael believed me, or at least pretended to believe me before he walked away.

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