Chapter 4

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Molly and I waited inside the hotel while the boys stayed outside to meet fans who must've been there all day. They were there when we went out this morning. They were there when we left for sound check for the show. They were there when we got back for the show. We all knew they'd still be here tomorrow if they didn't get to meet the boys.

"It's crazy, you know." Molly started off, "we've watched these boys play small venues in Australia, then they went to Europe and now look at them! They're opening up for One Direction. I just can't wrap my head around the whole idea of it."

"Tell me about it. They used to play to a few hundred people in a venue. Now they're playing to more than a few thousand people a night. Sure most of those girls are there for One Direction, but so many people knew who they were." I agreed. This was the first time that I had seen the boys play on the Take Me Home tour and it was actually mind-blowing.

"I feel like I've watched a child grow into an adult. It's weird because they're older than us." She giggled before pulling out her phone and texting someone. "Michael said that it might be a while and we don't need to wait up for them if we're tired."

"I'm too pumped up from the concert to go to bed. You're welcome to though."

Molly just laughed out loud sarcastically. "It's funny because you think that I actually sleep. You know Michael and I have the most fucked up sleep schedules of the whole group."

"Wow, I feel stupid mentioning that now." I giggled. "So, how are things going with you and Mikey?"

"Amazing! He's honestly the perfect boyfriend. I don't know what I'd do without him." Molly sighed, losing herself in thought.

My phone rang in my pocket and I unlocked it, reading the text message from Calum.

'Don't get ready for bed. We're going out tonight.' And

I was confused. Molly just told me that Michael said that we could go to bed, but now Calum says that I can't. I glanced over at Molly to see her still daydreaming about Michael.

Who is going out? Michael just told Molly we could get ready to go to bed.

Calum must've been waiting for my response because he responded in a matter of seconds.

No, just me and you.

I know I should've been asking what he wanted to do and why he wanted to do it at midnight, but I knew better than to question Calum when it comes to his spontaneous nature. Plus, I loved when we did spontaneous things so I shouldn't be complaining.

Fine. Hurry up though. I'm gonna get bored waiting for you.

Within five minutes, there was knocking on the door. I pulled myself up so that I could answer it. Calum and Michael were standing there while Ashton and Luke walked down the hallway slowly, taking as much time as possible.

"Ready to go out?" Calum extended his arm. I nodded, saying goodbye to Molly and following Calum to the elevator. I stood there, jittery and excited for what was to come.

"What are we doing anyways?"

"Nothing special. I just thought that we could hang out and walk around Miami a bit more before we have to leave tomorrow. We're gonna be stuck in the bus for a majority of the day and I know that I'm going to lose my mind."

"Where's the next stop?"

"Louisville at the KFC Yum! Center. We can go and get some fried chicken together yeah?" It was more of a statement than a question but it wasn't like I would have any other plans.

The elevator doors opened and Calum and I stepped inside. He pressed the button that stood for ground level. The doors closed and we stood silently, listening to elevator music. It wasn't like it was an awkward silence; it was more of a comfortable silence.

I've Got This Friend ( c.h )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя