Chapter 6

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TW: slight mention of self deprication thoughts

Please read the bold at the end it is important.

Roman's POV:

After Virgil finished the song I clapped and said "That was amazing V!". He tensed when he heard me. "Thanks I guess." "Are you ok? You look really tense right now." He responded with "Ya I'm fine princey." I walked towards his bed and sat down beside him. "Are you sure?" "Ya I'm sure. I just..... forgot you were still home." "Oh I'm sorry if I scared you." "Its not your fault."

Even if it wasnt my fault I still felt bad for scaring him like that. "Well I had come to see if you needed anything cuz I havent really seen you today." Not a total lie. I had been going downstairs to make food for us but heard him singing, so I stopped.

"I am kinda hungry." He replied almost as if unsure about it. "Ok well I was gonna make food. What did you want?" He just shrugged. "Ok. Well you want to come down with me and we can decide then." "Sure" I hope he is ok. He normally would have had an immediate answer for food choice. Well almost immediate. Him picking food is like me picking between two outfits in the morning.

We get downstairs and he goes to the fridge to see what all we have. Eventually we agree on a meal. While I'm cooking, he sits at the table.on his phone.

~Time skip brought to you by a truckload of Bubba Gump shrimp~

Virgil's POV:

After Roman caught me singing thats all I could think about. Of course with this comes my insecurities about such things. I have no doubt that I had been zoning out from thinking of all of it. Roman had made food for us earlier. Patton and Logan had come back about an hour after that.

Right now Patton was making dinner, while logan and Roman were in the living room. I only knew this because I had went to get water and saw them. They were all still pretty hestitant with making sure they knew where I was after the blackout. Logan still hadnt figured out what caused it but I hadnt had another so it was a win/lose situation.

Patton had called me down after a few minutes so we could all eat. The normal banter had occured until Remus popped up behind Roman, scaring me half to death and making me scream. Of course they all freaked out over me screamingbbut calmed down when they saw it was only Remus. Well calmed down as much as possible. Patton didnt like that Remus had his mace and Roman didn't like that he could have been knocked out again. Logan didnt really care about it he was just annoyed because he was having a conbersation with patton about the stars, which is the only thing he can get patton to pay attention to even with using science terms.

Remus decided it was a good idea to try and scare us all. I'd say it worked pretty well. Patton suggested he joined us for dinner and he said sure. Not very long after the fact we had all lost our appetites. Seeing as Remus decided it was the perfect time to tell us all about the gruesome facts he knew.

After eating he left and patton wanted to watch movies again. We all said sure and went about getting the stuff for another movie night.


I hope you all are having a wonderful day where ever you are. I will be working on this book for a while I'm planning on finishing it by the begining of next year. If you have any ideas at all please comment them. I still have no plan for this story. The only plan is get them all together by the end. I will write angst or fluff for now. If it gets to it I will write smut but not yet wait at least until they get together for that. Any suggestions are welcome. And please specify if you DON'T want to have a shoutout when you give an idea because I dont wish to make any one uncomfortable by doing so.

Also please comment suggetions on what I should call you all instead of just saying everyone. I want to have a set 'name' to call you all. It can be anything really. But seeing as this book will most likely be at least 20 chapters, I feel it needed. I will chose the most popular name in about a week. Have a great day/ night to you all.

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