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TW: mentions of Discociative Identity Disorder (DID), mentions of littles (age regression), mentions of alters, possibly offensive but not ment to be offensive at all
If you are not comfortable with any of these please skip over this it isnt important anyway.

Hello. This is not a chapter. I probably wont update the actual book for a while cuz I have no clue where I was going with what I have right now and cannot think of how to continue it. Anyways I have a question.

It may be offensive but I guarantee it is not ment to be. If it does offend you I am very sorry but I understand why it could offend you. Feel free to tell me different things in the comments here.

Anyways the question.

Would anyone read a story about if Bakugou (My Hero Academia) had DID?

For those who dont know DID stands for dissociative identity disorder. I only know very little on the topic but I plan on researching it more. Feel free to tell me anything you might know about it in the comments.

My whole background on this is how Bakugou rarely if ever refers to his classmates by their names. And the nicknames he gives are normally based around a physical trait or aspect of the person.

With this information my brain decided 'well that would be the easiest way to remember people. Considering there can be alters for the system who are much younger and much older then the host. Or even little alters. If he would have any younger alters then it would make sense to just refer to everyone using physical attributes.

With the people he has known for longer, such as midoriya, he knows them personally. Ergo he guves them more personal nicknames. Since he has spent more time around them all of the alters would have had a chance to see what they look like and everything, getting to know them.

I dont know. Its just an idea I had. I have know clue if someone else has already thought of this but I havent seen it anywhere or heard about it anywhere else. So I am going to say it is my idea. If you do know of someone else who has had a similar idea please let me know. So I can check their work out.

Thats it all have a great day/evening/night where ever you are in the world.

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