Oliver Wood x reader: (surprise?...)

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Italics means sounds!

I rushed to the bathroom, feeling ill for the umpteenth time this week. And it was only Wednesday. I heard footsteps outside of the bathroom, and a creaking door.

"Are you alright, love?"

"Yes, Ol-"

He picked up my (h/c) hair which was beginning to fall in front of my face, from where it was tucked behind my ears. He rubbed my back soothingly, as more of the distasteful mixture came billowing from my mouth.

"I'll be right back..."

He walked, slightly jogged away, and returned with a bottle of water from our nightstand. He gently tilted my head up, and poured the cool liquid into my mouth. I nodded in gratitude, before wiping my mouth, and flushing the toilet.

"Are you sure you're alright, love? I mean..."
He motioned to where I had just been sat. I nodded.

"You shouldn't even be up, you have a match tomorrow-"
I stated.

"I know, but can't I make sure my wife is okay?"
I smiled and stroke his cheek, before he helped me get up and back to our bedroom.

He lays me down, and slides in next to me, kissing my cheek, to avoid the sickness bug I had caught. He wrapped an arm around my stomach, as the abhorrent taste settles in my throat. I grimaced at piquancy, but settled into my husband's arms, who was surprisingly warm, as per usual. He peppered kissed onto my neck, and I leant into him.

"Do you need another drink sweetheart?"

"No thank you, Night Ollie."
I smiled, even though he couldn't see it trough the darkness.

"Goodnight hon, I love you,"
He confirmed, making my grin even larger.

"I love you too."
I was incased in his arms, being pressed against his chest trapping me comfortably for the night.



I fumbled to press the off button on our alarm clock, which alerted us that it was seven AM, and time to get up for the day. Even if I wasn't already awake at eleven, one, two-thirty, three, and five. I finally managed to switch it off, the ringing fading away from where it had marked it's territory in my ears.

I nudged Oliver, and he groaned in response, burying his face in my neck. I chuckled, prodding his arms, once again receiving a response in him tightening his death-grip.

I lamented.

"Go back to sleep."
I heard his groggy voice grumble.

"But you're playing The Chudley Cannons today at two honey, I know you're tired, but you need to wake up!"
I tried convincing him, not even fully awake myself yet.
I felt numerous shuffles against my neck in response, signalling a 'yes' from him. He rolled over, and untangled himself from me, sitting up; beginning to get dressed. Somehow, he managed to do it with his eyes closed. It was his daily ritual, - get up, get dressed, and go chug two, maybe three, cups of coffee.

He was just in the middle of getting his socks on, when the same unsettling feeling that managed to force its way into my throat returned. I sprinted into the bathroom across the hall, and reiterated the past even which had occurred over the course of the late night, and early morning hours.


"Son of a bitch."
I swore into the toilet, once again obliterating my mouth with my sleeve. The alter of feet interrupted my complaining, as my other half entered the room, with one of my hair bobbles, pulling my hair up into a make-shift ponytail while I finish spewing my guts into the reminiscence of the toilet.

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