Fred Weasley x reader: (finances)

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Just pretend that this works

I had stayed at the burrow over the summer
with my boyfriend Fred, and right now; we were looking over what books and equipment we needed for the school year.

"I don't know how we are going to be able to afford all of these."
Fred sighed, looking at his list intently.

Arthur was questioning me about muggle things, (due to me being muggle born) - and I was trying to explain as best as I could.

"I don't know Arthur - Lockhart's books are really expensive."

I thought for a moment, before a lightbulb went off in my brain.

"I know how you will be able to afford all of this!"
I beamed.

They looked at me questionably, before motioning for me to carry on.

"So, do you have your account balance records?"
I asked.
Arthur thought for a moment, before nodding; and proceeding to rummage through a small crooked draw in the corner of the room. No more than a minute later, he passed me a sheet of paper, with their bank details. Molly passed me a piece of parchment and a quill, and I proceeded to jot things down.

"Okay, so in muggle money, one galleon is equal to five pound. And that means a sickle would be about fifteen pence."
They nodded.
"If we change two galleons and eighteen sickles into pounds, that should equal fourteen pounds, fifty. Which means, if we go to Gringots and exchange it, then floo to a muggle bank, we should be able to make a deposit that will times that by three. And if we change that back to Galleons, that would be about... forty three pounds fifty, which is - eight galleons, and twenty eight sickles. With two of those Galleons, we can pay the deposit. Which leaves you with six galleons and twenty eight sickles in your bank account."
The Weasley parents looked at me in shock.

"And this is legal?"
He asked.
I nodded.
"Fully. It's just a few loop holes obviously, and with the school equipment paid for..."
I quickly calculated it, with Mr Weasley watching me intently.

"You will have a total of seven galleons and eighteen sickles. Interest free."

"And the calculations are exact?"
I pulled a calculator that I had at the bottom of my bag for some reason: and punched in the numbers.
I looked back up and nodded.

"Right on the dot. I did my parent's taxes so this is as accurate as it's going to be."
They looked at my amazed, Mr Weasley was more focused on my calculator though. I passed him it.
"Keep it, I don't need it."
I reassured. He accepted it gratefully.

"So we will have six times as much money in our bank?"
Mrs Weasley questioned and I nodded.

"You can do that at least seven times, before taking a loan which won't take long to pay off."
I grinned.
An outburst of smiles rose amongst the table.

Percy looked over my shoulder at my working out. They looked at him for confirmation and he nodded.

"She's correct."
He chuckled.

I grabbed another piece of parchment, and wrote the agreement bank transfer and passed it to them to sign, which they did.

"So if you want me to come and do the transaction I can do."
I reassured Arthur. He nodded gratefully.

"Thank you so much dear."
Mrs Weasley hugged me tightly. 

"Of course! It's the least I could do after you let me stay all summer."

"Oh and here are the budgets for the prank supply's you want to sell."
I passed a similar piece of parchment to the twins, who smiled widely at the sheet of paper.

Fred peppered my face in kissed.
I laughed.


We had finished breakfast, and I was walking upstairs to get ready, when I heard Fred and Mrs Weasley talking.

"Keep her Fred, she's lovely and perfect. Don't mess this up."

"I'm not planning on mum."
I smiled, and bounded up the stairs; gladly.

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