Neville Longbottom x reader: (little chunk of hope.)

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Neville's Point Of View

We all wanted this war to be over. I just wanted a normal life. No Voldemort, no being scared for your life, no dark magic. Just normal.

I just wanted this to be over, and live my life with my girlfriend.

We were all sat in the room of requirements, waiting for something. Anything. The battle so start, the battle to end. Harry. I'm not sure anymore.

I heard (Y/n) fiddling with her radio in the corner.

Ginny was sat next to her, and their faces lit up slightly as a certain song came on. They smiled meekly at each other.

"Just a little chunk of hope,"
They said together with the song, their voices cracking.

"Keeps me going keeps me going every day."
(Y/n) sung.

"I hope that someday, things will change."
Ginny continued.

"But a little chunk of hope, keeps me going keeps me going everyday."
They finished, smiling at each other.

A look of determination came over (Y/n)'s face, as if something in that song made something click inside of her head.

"That's it. I'm out of here."
She said, standing up.

"What do you mean?"
Dean asked her.

"You can't just leave lass..."
Seamus said, trying to convince her to sit back down.

"Yes I can. And I will."
The room shook their heads.

"Listen to me right now, we're not eleven, waiting to learn fascinating spells and potions, excited for the future. Let me tell you now, I am not excited for the future. And I can't deal with this shit anymore. I'm going to find Harry. There's a passage behind that portrait over there, I'm going to see where it goes. We all know it's going to happen. Heck, I might not live to see next week. But I want to go out knowing I tried, I made a difference. Not waiting around for Potter to come and save us. Stay here by all means, but I'm going to finish this battle. And to do that, we need it to start. We need Potter."
She said, walking towards the portrait.

"I'll go with you."
I stood up and they all looked at me sorrowfully.
"She's right, whether you want to except the truth or not."

I intertwined our fingers.

"Let's end this battle.-"
I began.

"-Once And for all."
She finished.

"See you on the other side, and... good luck, fight for what's right, we need you."
She added in the end, and we went through the portrait, looking for Harry, Ron and Hermione.

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