Percy Weasley x reader: (you are perfect! To me!)

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Warnings: mentions of anorexia, and depression, and Percy. (Sorry I had too!)
Reader is a Gryffindor.

(Y/n)'s Point Of View.

"Hey up (N/n)!-"
"-How are you?"
I cringed as they put their arms around me.

"Fine. Thanks."
I nodded.

"Are you still coming to the burrow for Christmas?"
I nodded once again.

"Come on love-"
"-What's wrong?"


"Aren't you going to eat something?-"
"-Eggs? Bacon? Sausages?"
They suggested.
I shrugged their arms off of me.

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten in what?-"
George began.
"-Four days?"
At this, Ginny's head shot up.

"Why do you look so pale anyways?"
Fred poked my face.
"You always look so tired!"

I gritted my teeth, and took a sip from my goblet containing water.

"I don't know why. Why are you interrogating me?"
I asked.

They put their hands up in defeat.

They chuckled.

"That isn't such a good idea guys-"
Ginny warned.

"Why not. This scrawny girl is in a right state. Aren't you?"
Fred grinned, grabbing my cheek.

"Get off."

"Come on love, what are you gonna eat? A bit of water? I heard water makes you put a lot of weight on!"
I coughed, putting my goblet down.

"And there goes water."
I mumbled, sighing.

Percy sat across from me, next to Ginny and Harry.

He immediately began putting food onto his plate.

"Morning love, have you already eaten?"
He asked, peering down at my empty plate.

"No, I'm not feeling well."
George put a hand to my forehead.

"You feel fine!"

"Y-Yes, well-"
I got up, and walked out of there, to go speak to Myrtle.

Percy shouted after me.


"Myrtle! Myrtle! Are you in there?!"

I heard a sob.

"(Y-y/n)? Is that you!?"

"Yes Myrtle it's me."

She ran, I mean flew out of her stall.

"How are you?"
I asked.

"How am I!? I am fine! How are you? Those robes are practically falling off of you!"

"That's the whole point I suppose,"
I sighed, sitting down on the floor.

She laid next to me, ready to listen.

"I thought three weeks without food kills you?"
She asked.

"It does, But it's only been thirteen days! That's only about two weeks, and anyways, Percy is getting suspicious he is going to make me eat a carrot or something. I heard water puts on weight, and I'm not willing to take that."

"You need water, you'll die, dehydration! I know you want to loose weight, not kill you self, right?"

"Meh, anything goes these days, I feel like crap. If I do die can we share the bathroom?"

She smiled in pity.

"Of course, but I don't think it will come to that."
She reassured.

"How far is the drop off of the astronomy tower?"

"I'm not sure, I never liked it up there, I'd rather stay in here."
I nodded.

"That's a second option I suppose?"
She shook her head.


"Who's that?"
She whispered to me.

"Percy. My boyfriend."

"Oh... what do you want me to say?"

She nodded.

She yelled back, flying towards the door.

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n). I'm worried about her, she isn't eating anything."

"Well, she's not here. Leave me alone!"
She whimpered.

"Do you know where she might be?"
She huffed.

"Maybe the astronomy tower? She mentioned the drop. Or the library, she likes the library!"
She said.

"The library yes, and the astronomy-... THE ASTRONOMY TOWER!? THE DROP!?"

"Oh my Godric Myrtle."
I swore under my breath.

I heard the pounding of footsteps going the other way.

I whisper-shouted.

"Sorry (Y/n), it was the only thing I could think of."

"It's fine, but I better go and get Percy before he thinks I'm going to commit suicide!"
She nodded.

I ran to the library first.

"Madame Pince? Have you seen Percy?!"

"He was just here. Looking for you actually."
I nodded, and ran out again; to The Astronomy Tower.

"Percy!? Percy!?"
I ran up the stairs, but due to being underweight, wars weak by the time I was half-way up.

I got to the top.


"No, no, I was telling Myrtle how I like the drop, the scenery, I promise, I'm fine!"
It's a good thing that I'm a good liar.

He put his arms around my waist and I tensed up.

He moved his hands out and down my waist, creasing his eyebrows, but he took no notice of my abnormally flat stomach.

"Are you looking forward about coming to The Burrow for Christmas?"
I nodded.

"Christmas dinner! My mum makes a good Christmas dinner!"
I went pale.

"Yeah... dinner..."
I smiled.

"I need to go talk to Ginny..."
I said, running down the stairs.

I yell, running up to her, Luna and Neville.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?"
She embraced me in a hug and I burst out crying.

"I need help."
She nodded.

"I know you do... how long haven't you ate for?"

"Thirteen days."
I mumbled.


"Thirteen days. I haven't eaten in thirteen days."

She rubbed my back.

"You'll be alright. I promise."

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