Dinah's brilliant plan.

Start from the beginning

"Umm.. yeah, hey!" Aaaand that's all i said. There was a brief silence between us, and i could actually see him shifting awkwardly, before that smug smile appeared on his face.

This is not the guy that i fell in love with. Has he always been this way?

"So, listen." He started, leaning his shoulder against my car, and looking at me through his lashes. "I hope your okay now. I'm really sorry if i broke your heart. Don't worry, you'll get over me." I arched my eyebrow up and folded my arms against my chest, in a defense pose. Is he fucking serious??

"Are you serious?" He just shrugged, and looked back at his friends, who was watching us. What a fucking asshole!

I was about to straighten him up, when i heard Dinah and Ally's voice.

"Is there a problem here?" Dinah immidiately went to my side, as Ally, and she started rubbing my back.

"Are you okay, mila?" The older girl asked, and I noded.

"What do you want?" Dinah asked harshly.

"Hey, hey.. easy." He put his hands up, in surrender. "I was just asking Camilla how she's been."

"She's just great! Never been better! You can go now!" Dinah said, giving Austin a fake smile.

"Not what i've heard." He mumbles under his breath. I think he thought we wouldn't hear it. Oh we heard it alright!

"What did you say?" Dinah stepped towards him, making Austin chuckle.

"Alright.. alright.. I'm just gonna go." He started to walk back to his friends, but stopped in his track and turned to us again. "And Camilla, hope there's no hard feelings." He smiled before running back to where his friends was sitting, and putting his arm around becky's shoulder.

Again, what an asshole!

"What an asshole!" Dinah exclaimed.

"You got that right." I agreed, nodding my head.

"How did you even dated him for almost a year?" Ally asked, closing my car door.

"I don't even know.." I locked my car, before walking along Dinah and Ally. We were halfway through the lot when we heard someone shouting at Austin.

"Mahone! You're needed at the locker room, right now!" The green eyed girl, wearing a softball uniform said, approaching Austin and his friends.

"What for?" He asked, annoyed.

"You're in charge on cleaning the locker room today!" She said, flipping her hair to her left shoulder.
Welp, there she goes again, rocking that uniform so effortless.

"Are you fucking serious!" Austin exclaimed, standing up. "I did it last time!"

I rolled my eyes at that, and so did the brunette in the uniform.

"What are you? Five?" She said, and everyone watching them laughed, including me. " I told coach that you did a splendid job on cleaning the locker room, so I suggested you'd do it again." She was smiling at him, knowing that it would pissed him off. Is it bad that I'm loving every second of this?

"You're a fucking bitch!" He shouted.

"Yeah, and I'm also the captain of the softball team, that you.. happened to be apart of. So if i were you, i would watch my tone." She said, calmly, which I'm sure made Austin furious. They kind of have this rivalry thing going on. They hate each other with so much passion that they go against eachother at everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! I think she even tried to flirt with me when Austin and I started dating. Or at least, I thought she was.

"Fine, Jauregui." He said, walking away, cursing under his breath.

With that, the crowd that formed around them, started walking away as well, leaving Lauren standing there.

She catches my eye and smiled, before making her way back to her own friends.

She smiled. I mean... a wink would have been better, but she smiled at me. I smiled to myself and turned to proceed on our way.

"Wow! That was a show!" The older girl said, chuckling.

"It sure was! Did you see his face when she sassed him out?" Dinah was close to tears because of laughing, ans i couldn't help but join with her. "That was so priceless!" She said, calming down.

"Yeah.. and did y'all see how Lauren Jauregui smiled at our little mila here?" Ally looked at me knowingly, wiggling her eyebrow, up and down.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Dinah asked, pushing the double doors of the school.

"I don't know.. I'm sure it's nothing. She's probably just being friendly." I shrugged, going towards my locker.

"Or.. she's probably flirting with you, since you just broke up with Austin." I placed my books inside my locker and took out the one that i needed, and looked at Ally condused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.. with their rivalry, competition, thingy.. maybe she's you know..." Ally said, before Dinah cut her off.

"Oh yeah.. i get you short stuff!" Dinah exclaimed, and Ally glared at her. "What more to ticked him off, than getting on with his girl!?"

" But I'm not his girl! Not anymore. He broke up with me remeber?" Ally noded.

"But what if she got the one thing that he didn't?" Dinah said, looking at the ground, thinking. I could see those evil little wheels turning inside of her head. Fuck.

"What do you mean?" I gulped, and looked at Ally knowingly. She just shrugged and looked back at Dinah amused.

"I mean.. what if she gets you in ways that Austin wanted for himself?" Oh god.

"You mean, mila giving her..." Ally started, but Dinah cutted her off again.

"I meant hooking up with Lauren!" She said, looking at me with an evil smile.


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