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"I meant hooking up with Lauren!" She said, looking at me with an evil smile.


"Ow!" Dinah exclaimed, when my hand collided with her arm. "Girl, are you asking fo pain? Why'd you hit me?" Dinah glared, while rubbing her right arm.

"Cause your a dumbass!" I said, as if it was the most obvious thing ever. Dinah's glare became more deadly, while Ally was laughing at us in the backround.

"I mean seriously, Dinah? You wan't me to do the thing that I wasn't able to do with my boy- Ex.. who I have known for almost a year... with a girl that I barely know, because the said ex broke my heart?" I asked, my voice raising a few octaves as I finished my intense question. The polynesian girl stayed silent for a second, staring at me, before she eventually shrugged.

"I just thought you'd want to get back at him, you know.. for everything that he'd done to you." Dinah took a glance at the hallway that we just passed. "But, if you put it that way.. it does sound bad." She said, finally meeting my eye and smiled at me apologetically.

"It is. And besides, he hasn't done anything for me to despise him like that."

Apart from breaking my heart, but that happens in relationships so that doesnt really count.

We were now walking towards our respective classes. I stoped in front of the doorway to my Calculus class, and faced Dinah and Ally.

"And where did you even get that idea, D? It was so bad." I chuckled, making Dinah roll her eyes.

"It's not that bad.." She shrugged.

"It was a bit problematic, Dinah." Ally said, looking at her knowingly.

"Whatever.. but are seriously telling me that you wouldn't want to get up on that, walz?" She said looking pass me and Ally, and waved at someone. I turned around and saw that she was waving at Normani, and beside her was the green eyed girl, that we were talking about, just seconds ago.

Normani waved back at Dinah as they were passing by, which made Lauren look at us. Our eyes seemingly glued to eachother, again! The corners of her mouth twitching upwards. She did a cute little wave at us, before facing back towards where they were going. I watched as she walks away, and to say that the view was great is an understatement.
Wait, what? Did I actually thought of that? What the fuck.

Shaking my head a bit, I finally looked back at my two bestfriends who were both looking at me with giant smirks on their faces.

Shit. Busted.

"What?" I asked.

"Just what I thought." Dinah answered.

Was she even answering my question? Idk.

"What is it?" I demand. Dinah's smirk grow even bigger, knowing that i know what she was talking about.

"Mhhmm." She said, walking away, pulling a giggling Ally with her.

I sighed. Yeah they totally caught me staring.

"I still think it's a bad idea though." I yelled at Dinah. She look back at me with a "Oh fucking please." Look.

I am so fucking busted.

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