Chapter 9 Non-Graphic Version

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Trigger warning: Graphic depictions of non-consensual sexual behaviour ahead. Please do not read if easily disturbed by such content, skip to the next chapter 9 posted for a non-graphic version. Skip chapter 9 altogether if made upset by such content, next chapter will have a summary of chapter 9 posted along with it.

I stared out the window at the trees as we passed them, the taxi going so fast they were a mere blur of green and brown. The dull light the streetlamps provided doing little to illuminate the way but the driver must have been used to it for he drove quite a bit above the speed limit.

I was so tired, near delirious that when he first spoke I didn't even register it, not until he said it again, sounding much more panicked.

"What is that?" The taxi driver asked as though expecting me to have the answer. I forced myself up from my slouched position to glance through the windshield and my heart seemed to freeze in my chest, stomach lurching painfully at the dark humanoid shape just a few feet ahead of us.

Two red beams seemed to flash from near the top of the shape, beams I knew to be eyes. My body broke out in a cold sweat, hands scrambling towards the door. Pushing down the lock even as I kept my eyes fixed on the shape, as unable to look away as I was to get away now that he had found me.

"Lock all the doors." I croaked out as the taxi driver swerved towards the oncoming lane to avoid hitting the shape we whizzed by but it was as if time had slowed as we passed him allowing me to clearly make out the way his red eyes narrowed in on me through the window.

I swivelled around in my seat, watching as the creature crouched down before lunging after us, gaining on the car in milliseconds.

"Drive faster." I yelled. The car jerked as the taxi driver slammed his foot down on the accelerator, leaving the dark shape behind even as it bounded at us at a speed nothing humanoid could match.

"What the hell is that?" The taxi driver asked, and I glanced forwards for just a moment, opening and closing my mouth, at a loss for words before turning to look through the back window again. My eyes widened as I saw the empty stretch of the road behind us. There was nothing there, no dark shape, no red beaming eyes. I would've thought it was my imagination if it weren't for the taxi driver chanting prayers under his breath.

The driver took a sharp turn sending me crashing into the door before my body was jolted forwards just an inch as the seatbelt locked, digging into me painfully as it kept me in place. A loud bang was heard followed by the terrible screeching noise of something scratching against metal, faster than my eyes could comprehend we were at a complete halt, the car pushed back a foot by the force that had stopped it.

My hands shook violently as I pushed my hair out of my face and looked up only to look straight into gleaming red eyes. My heart took off, pounding so fast I was afraid it would pump its way out of my chest.

A steady chanting of no's was heard and I only realized it was coming from me when another bang was heard as he brought a large hand crashing down on the bonnet of the car.

"Out." His mouth form the word in a snarl but I refused to move.

"Get out." He roared ferociously, followed by a growl so deep it resonated deep within my chest and made chills break out all along my body.

He had crossed the distance between the front and the door beside me in a flash. The same terrible screeching of metal was heard for only a moment before he was pulling the door off the taxi with one mighty tug.

A scream tore from my lips as I lunged towards the other door, the dreaded seatbelt keeping me in place and before I could make a move to get it off, sharp claws were tearing through it before hooking into the front of the sweater I wore. They grazed against my skin and I was yanked out of the vehicle against a hard heaving chest.

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