Chapter 19

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"Are you ready to go?" The Alpha's deep voice asked from the door. I glanced up in the mirror I stood before, nodding at the reflection of him until I noticed what he was wearing.

I had worn a light grey knitted sweater with black jeans and he was unfortunately also wearing a light grey sweater with black pants. We looked like one of those couples that intentionally coordinated their outfits but asking to change would only draw his attention to the fact. Knowing him he might actually just start coordinating our outfits. To avoid putting that idea into his strange mind I kept quiet.

He stood to the side to let me past him and followed me down the hall and the stairs. Both our shoes sitting in front of the door and once again I wondered if he had some little invisible elves doing all his housework.

As I was putting on my shoes he held out a white coat towards me that I had never seen before but fit me all too well for something that I hadn't bought myself. His eyes took on an appreciative glint as he looked me over and in my haste to get out the door I didn't even bother doing up the buttons of the coat.

I hurried out as I saw that it was snowing outside, tilting my head up to see the falling snowflakes, having to squint my eyes to keep them from getting in. I raised my hands to catch a few in my palm, watching the pretty patterns disappear as they melted into my skin.

I realized after a moment that he was oddly quiet and looked towards him only to have my good mood disappear instantly as I saw him holding up his phone at me. I narrowed my eyes at him before turning my back on him as his lips twisted into a smirk, heading for the car.

Settling down while fixing my coat I tugged on my seatbelt and faced the front, steadfastly intent on ignoring him. The moment the car was on I opened the window, hearing him groan from beside me and having to smother a smile. Irritating him was the little satisfaction I got while forced to stay by his side.

"It's freezing out mate, do you really have to open your window?"

"I rarely get fresh air, and besides your kind doesn't get cold easily."

"It's not me I'm worried about." He muttered, turning up the heat until it was blasting from the vents at a temperature that was too warm for me but probably felt like hell to him. Instead of buying books about how to court your human mate he probably should have bought one about basic human anatomy.

I reached over to the dashboard to turn on the radio only to realize I hadn't paid attention last time and still didn't know which button it was. Before I could start another trial and error run he reached over, gently nudging my hand aside with his own and pressed one of the buttons for the radio to turn on. The pop music filled the awkward silence between us and allowed me to gaze out the window while pretending he wasn't there.

"I'm gonna stop and get a coffee, what do you want?" He asked effectively banishing my fantasy of this simply being a taxi ride.

"Nothing." I answered brusquely, shifting closer to the window so that I could better feel the rush of the wind against my skin.

"It's a long drive, get something or you may just fall asleep before we make it to your parents' house."

I glanced over at him, turning to face the window when he looked at me but not fast enough to miss the way his lips quirked up at the corners. It reminded me eerily of the way a dog would wag its tail when its owner looked at him.

"I'll let you know what I want." I answered, deciding it might actually be nice to have some caffeine.

He pulled in to the drive thru of a chain coffee shop, lining up behind the other cars. I squinted at the menu board, trying to get a look at what the seasonal flavours were but it wasn't until we were next to order that I could make it out.

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