Chapter 12

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Resting my hand on the stained glass panel on the door I pushed it open, walking into the foyer littered with shoes carelessly strewn about. The moment I had seen the front door ajar I had known something was wrong, and that kept me from calling out or announcing my presence.

The television was on in the family room though no one sat on the white leather couches that faced it. Plates and teacups with a floral pattern I had always adored were piled up in the sink of the kitchen, yet to be washed.

I climbed up the stairs, trailing my fingers over the scratches that littered the wooden bannister. Some just about the width of my own fingers spread wide and others larger but all deep and painful looking, laced with a brilliant red slowly drying into the wood and turning brown.

As I reached the top of the stairs I saw the master bedroom door thrown wide open revealing the bed to be unmade, sheets hanging off and fallen to the floor. I walked past it to the next room, pushing the door open to an empty office, the only room in the house that seemed to have been tidied. The wooden desk bare with the exception of a small globe that sat on it, large comfortable looking leather chair pushed in. The shelf in the corner lined with books in alphabetical order.

Ignoring the door I knew led to an empty bathroom I walked to the very end of the hall to the last room. I twisted the door handle pushing it open to reveal the room I had spent most of my time in while in this house. My eyes flew to the bed, seeing the light grey sheets stained a deep red. Following the trail of red with my eyes to the sight of a man laying on the floor in the corner of the room beneath the only window, unmoving. His long limbs bent in odd angles around his body.

His unseeing eyes seemingly looking right at me. Lips coated in red, parted as though unmoved from when he had drawn his last breath. Throat slashed to ribbons, tendons and blood spilling out onto the floor. Beside him lay both of his parents, their necks twisted grotesquely. My gaze rose to the window seeing a pair of glinting red eyes flashing back at me making me gasp.

I jerked awake gasping, bolting upright to get as far away from the dreamland in which I had witnessed such horrors. Clenching my hair in my fists I tried to get the sight of my dead fiancé and his parents out of my mind. I yanked until my scalp burned and my eyes watered from the pain. An anguished scream slipping past my lips as no matter how hard I pulled my hair his unseeing eyes and torn open throat were all I could see, the pain providing no distraction.

The door was suddenly slammed open making me jump. I opened my eyes to the unwelcome sight of the Alpha in the doorway rushing towards me.

"Get out." I said through gritted teeth, fighting to regulate my pounding heart and reign in the tears that threatened to fall from my burning eyes.

"Mate what's wrong?" He asked, reaching his hand out to touch me. I jerked away violently making him freeze.

"Get the fuck out." I repeated turning to glare at him with all the venom I could muster. The fear of knowing how easily this man could turn my dream into a reality should he ever find out about what had happened over the visit to my parent's house, giving rise to the flame of burning hatred I already felt for him.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong with you." The Alpha said, crossing his arms over his chest and straightening up to his full height so he towered over me.

"You. You're what's wrong with me, leave me alone and I'll be fine."

I sniffled loudly, pulling my legs up to my chest and crossing my arms over them in attempt to control my violent trembling. My words were as much the truth as they were a lie, I wouldn't be okay until I saw Ethan. Until I looked into his eyes and saw them full of life, checked him over to find him intact and unharmed. Heard him reassure me himself that he was alright and that his parents were too. However that wasn't even in the realm of possibilities and so I would have to settle for the meager comfort of not seeing the man that posed the greatest threat to my fiancé's life.

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