Wu Xie didn't reply to Pang Zhi but he gets his younger sister and brother.

''Meimei, didi! How can you two come here? Did you get my texts before?'' Wu Xie curiously asked.

Shen Wei and Yezhun nod admitted. Shen Wei hugs her elder brother for a moment and she releases back.

''We followed your clues from those texts. Gege, why are you here? What's the caused of you come to here?'' Shen Wei asked as she got back her body from Wei.

''It's a long story, Wei...''

''Let's have a camping at here while listening to their long story. Chief, we need a rest. Your injured leg also needs a rest. And I checked the surrounding area. There is no danger around us... for now,'' Sang said, cutting the words from Wu Xie.

''From this side too, chief!'' Wang added as she landed on the ground with her transparent body too.

''They are right, chief! Let's rest! I will guard the place as well as Zhu and Long Hun too maybe,'' Da Qing replied while transforming to his huge cat, larger than the black tiger as well as Zhu who transformed to her phyton, making Pang Zhi and Bai Houtian scream for the scare and they both fainted.

''What a big guy scare of us, Da Qing!'' Zhu whined and she is slithering with her phyton body and tail.

''Ah, Pang! You are heavy to faint on me!'' Wu Xie whined for the unconscious Pang Zhi that fell on his body and Kylin hurriedly helps Wu Xie to get Pang Zhi.

''He just has a bigger body, but small heart!'' Chu whined to see Pang Zhi that fainted on the ground.

''Who are you actually with a variety forms?'' Wu Xie curiously asked to Chu as well as to the others.

''Gege, it's a long story too from our side. So, for now, let's take our rest while talking about both sides. Besides, this chief needs his rest for his injured leg,'' Yezhun replied.

'Oh! Your host is injured, Kunlun?' Long Hun asked to hear those words from Yezhun.

Kunlun nods.

''Wei's family's pet, that blue sea serpent bit Yunlan's leg and almost cut his blood vein. That guy named Yezhun operated on his blood vein but still not heal yet,'' Kunlun told to Long Hun near him.

'Oh, that serpent! I saw it came to the coastal area about 8,000 years ago to find something. I thought it came to to find Wei's body but then it just went away with Wei's key,' Long Hun told to Kunlun.

''Yes, Hun! Wei told us that she can't go back to her body caused her spirit left her body and found her family's pet and asked that serpent to get her body but not to avail. That serpent only got Wei's key and saved it inside its heart. Then, my host dived to that water and got that key as well as Wei's spirit inside her sword before that serpent bit his leg,'' Kunlun told again to Long Hun while the others look at him.

'That blue sea serpent was coming from my gene and the sea snake. I once mated with the sea snake and that blue sea serpent was born. Wei's father took that serpent to be his family's pet, unknowingly to him that I was that serpent's father,' Long Hun told to Kunlun and Kunlun told to the others when they asked what is he talking with Long Hun.

''Then, you must be can heal our chief, Long Hun!'' Lin said, made Long Hun looks at Lin that standing downward on the ground.

'I am not sure if my fire can heal him since he also has my fire from you Kunlun. But I guess I can try with my breath,' Long Hun replied.

Kunlun nods understand and he asks Zhao Yunlan to lean on the ground while Shen Wei hurriedly removes the shoe and sock before Yezhun pulls up that long pant, revealing that injured leg to Long Hun. The others back away as they didn't want to feel that strong breath of Long Hun. While ignoring the others, Long Hun releases his breath toward Zhao Yunlan's injured leg, making that guy screams louder for the pain. It feels like Long Hun poured the salt on his wound. Too painful.

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