The Lucifer Wannabe

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Thanks again to everyone who made it possible for Clarissa and Kai to get nominated for best Kai/OC couple (incomplete) in the TVD Universe Awards! SO GO VOTE NOW!

Clarissa's outfit above is what she's wearing in the past during the case! And this flashback episode is based on "The Would-Be Prince of Darkness"!

Clarissa's outfit above is what she's wearing in the past during the case! And this flashback episode is based on "The Would-Be Prince of Darkness"!

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A young Clarissa jolts awake screaming as Eleanor brings her into her arms.

"Clary, it's okay! It's okay!" Eleanor says as she tries to calm her daughter. "You're safe. Everything is alright. Mommy is here."

"Mommy!" Clarissa sobs.

"Shh, my little angel. It was just a bad dream."

"No! It was real! Bad people took daddy away! Daddy left me!"

"If anything, your father would never leave you willingly."

Eleanor turns around to see Amenadiel standing by the window. "Amenadiel?"

"Hello, Eleanor. May I speak to Clarissa alone?"

"...Alright." Eleanor wipes Clarissa's tears away and kisses her forehead before leaving the room.

He goes to sit on the bed and strokes Clarissa's hair.

"Uncle Amy?" She sniffles as she looks up at him.

"Yes little one." He sighs. "Look how big you've gotten."

"Yep... Daddy might cry when he see me. We have this agreement for me not to grow up too fast."

He chuckles. "How's that working out for you?"

"I doing my best but I can't control my growth."

"That is true. It's part of life... Now do you want to tell me what that nightmare of yours was about?"

"...Daddy was home with me and some bad people came and took him away. They told me I would never see him again!" She says as she sheds a few more tears.

"Hey now." He wipes away her tears. "Clarissa. Sometimes I haven't thought the best of my brother but when I see him with you and your mother... I've come to feel there is hope for him yet. Your father loves you so much that he would never leave you and bear the thought of never being able to see you again."

Clarissa Forbes - Book One #Wattys2021Where stories live. Discover now