kunal:you too bhai...

abir nodded...he walked out of kunal's room...

at the same time...

kuhu was laying on her side of bed... she was hugging a pillow  tight...her eyes were bawled a little bit...


kuhu:mishti please...don't talk to me now...that will be the greatest help you will be doing to me ....#silence...

mishti:we will find a solution to this...

kuhu turned to her...woke up ...

kuhu:mishti... this is not a maths problem... this is my life...you cannot solve every problem in your life... 

she paused to see mishti...

kuhu: who am i even talking to ? do you even know what it is to be loved or to love or to miss someone ?!! 

mishti(*with a furious voice*):kuhu...just because you are going through something...doesn't mean you can talk anything...

kuhu frowned ...

mishti:whatever.... do it on your own...i just came to help you...you-

kuhu:i don't need your help...

mishti:oh great...then don't ever ask me again for anything... 

they were shouting at each other...after few arguments...

mishti:fine... i will sleep at someplace...i hate to see your face...

kuhu gestured  to fold her hands...

kuhu:go...thank you...#mishtimahan

mishti left the room in anger...but kuhu's words triggered her...

mishti:what is she speaking ? i don't know how to love or to miss someone??... i agree i am not like her...i don't even know meaning of some romantic words like her...but... i too have a heart...and i too have a person i care about...

she felt insulted and confused at the same time...

she came downstairs and slept in couch ...

abir came out of the kunal's room ...and while walking to his room he saw mishti sleeping on the couch downstairs...

abir:why on earth is she sleeping here?

he ran down the stairs...

she was fast asleep... but she was shivering... as she didn't bring any pillow or blanket in hurry...

abir:whatever it is...atleast she could have brought a blanket...

he brought a blanket and pillow for her...he placed her head on the pillow without waking her up...and put the blanket around her...

he sat down on the floor facing near leaning to next couch...

abir:hmmm...angry chorni... you seem silent in your sleep...abir...what are you saying ? everyone is silent while they sleep... 

he smiled to himself...

he didn't want to leave her alone on the couch...so he just sat there...and slept after some time...

after few hours...

abir was asleep... his head was leaning on to a couch with his hands crossed across his legs ... 

mishti's voice woke him up...

abir:mishti ? 

he came near to her...

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