~2 Years Of Organised Chaos~

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Just some random things that happened in the time of 3 years. Some things might be kinda important while other things are just for the heck of it. Which is which, I have no idea.


_After spending a few days with them and getting to know them, the teachers grew attached to the odd pair. Same goes for Frisk and Chara, although they both fear that they'll kill them too.

_Frisk's had to stop Chara from murdering Hizashi for being so loud.

_Chara only reverted back to ghost form when Frisk needed the extra strength.

_Nemuri's an actual ship-fanatic. Shipped Frisk with Chara but will definitely ship her with more boys once they attend 1-A

_Introduced to Mirio and Tamaki by Hado. Chara tried to scare them away but Hado and Mirio were so persistent, so he just gave up. Tamaki and Frisk got along great, Frisk often comforting him, and the other three would always coo at their cuteness. Mirio and Chara both have a lot in common: love jokes and puns, pull pranks, always smiling, etc.

_Tamaki might have an innocent crush on Frisk. Chara is aware but doesn't say anything because he believes he's harmless and won't try anything bad.

_This doesn't mean that Chara won't attempt to kill others who attempt to be friends.

_Mirio and Chara work together to pull huge pranks on everyone in school. 

_When Frisk used 'FLIRT' on Tamaki, the poor boy went red and kept hitting his head on the wall ,almost fainting in embarrassment. While Frisk was trying to apologise, Tamaki, Hado and Chara were dying of laughter.

_Hado learned sign language just so that she could ask Frisk personal questions.

_The teachers of UA also learned sign language for Frisk, leading her to forget she even has the text box.

_All the students that studied at UA were acquainted with the two and are used to seeing them at the back of their classrooms. The only ones that truly hated Chara were those who witnessed his bloodlust seep out.

_Chara often picks fights and teases hot-tempered people for amusement.

_When bored in any classrooms, Frisk chooses to draw (using her right hand) and Chara eats chocolate (using his left hand)

_Chara's only managed to kill 16 people in the time span of 2 years .

_Not gonna lie, Frisk do kinda got a good body-

_When asked about the bandage on her face that she doesn't take off, she always signs 'I was clumsy and fell down a hole.'

_Frisk and Chara often hang out with Shinso, consoling him and denying any insults that were thrown his way. Chara's even broke some of the bullies' bones. If you wanted to find them, they would either be in a cat cafe or hanging out at each other's homes.

_They spend some time in the kitchen with Lunch Rush making baked goods.Mostly chocolate treats. Frisk even taught him how to make the Butterscotch-Cinnamon pie, which quickly became a favourite for the students and teachers of UA, especially Aizawa. It's not on the menu so some students aren't aware that it's available. However, Toriel's pie with infinite slices tastes way better, as stated by Lunch Rush and the rest of the teachers.

_Aizawa has gotten very attached to the two and cares for them dearly, although he wouldn't admit it. Frisk and Chara both see him as an opposite version of Asgore, their 'dad'.

_Aizawa sneaks into their apartment quite a lot using a spare key that was given by Frisk. He claims that it's because he needs to keep an eye on the both of them but everyone knows that it's because the stray cats visit daily, coming through the balcony. 

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