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(Frisk POV)
Here we were. Facing each other in the Last corridor. He stood there, right in front of me with that same smile that welcomed me into the Underworld. I could tell he was growing tired with every reset.

I had killed almost everyone yet he still wanted to fight despite knowing what might happen.
Hehe..... revenge really does fuel a person's actions.

I wanted to stop, I really did. I didn't want to turn everyone to dust. All I wanted was for something to change for once. The resets won't stop and I just wanted something to happen. But I didn't want that something to be.......this..

My curiosity had gotten the better of me and I caved in.. I did exactly what he ℍ𝔼 told me to do. ℍ𝕖 is one of my friends and ℍ𝕖'𝕤 been there with me since the beginning. They all know of him and that he's always with me. We all thought ℍ𝕖 was the same sweet boy ℍ𝕖 always was. Oh how we were wrong.
Me and ℍ𝕚𝕞 were friends with Flowey. We did many things together and enjoyed each other's company. Flowey and ℍ𝕚𝕞 even worked together to make me a third heart locket to match theirs.

ℍ𝕖 made me kill Flowey

ℍ𝕖 made me kill Papy

ℍ𝕖 made me slaughter everyone

His Name Is Chara

Chara's been full of Hate for a while now that I'm surprised I didn't notice sooner. His hate gave him the power to control me. Now I have no control of my actions or words so I can't stop this even if I tried. He's covered my hands in dust but even after everything...... He's still my friend, Chara.

Guilt is slowly eating at me but there's nothing I can do..... If only I hadn't listened to his insanity. If only I had chosen morals over curiosity. If only I had listened to the other 6 soul's warnings.
If only I could undo everything.......

(3rd POV)
Frisk and Sans had a little stare down. Neither daring to make a sound. That is until the skeleton decided to start.
'' Alright kid, let's get this over with.... Just give up already... Please...'' Sans muttered the last part, not knowing that the girl could hear him.
Knowing exactly what to do, she stepped forward and started the battle. At the same time Sans started to hear her humming a tune.
''Now isn't a good time for a performance, Kid'' To say he was confused would be an understatement. She had just murdered the whole population of monsters and yet she still had the audacity to start singing? To start singing as if she had done nothing wrong?

He wanted to avenge his brother. He wanted justice so bad but deep down he knew he didn't want to hurt the kid. Papyrus had thought she had a little good left in her and he was probably right. At least, that's what Sans wanted to believe..... Throughout all of the resets Frisk seemed so happy.Chara and Flowey were showing more joy with every minute they spent together so why would she just throw it all away.........  Chara? Where was Chara? The blue skeleton hadn't seen him in this run. Does that mean....- 

Frisk's soft singing brought him out of his thoughts and temporarily made him forget everything he had just discussed inside his head. Right now, he needed to focus everything on defeating the 12 year old in front of him. The monster community was counting on him to stop the genocider and make everything right.

[Play the video as I am too lazy to write it down]

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