Chapter 12: The Serpent's Pass

Start from the beginning

Toph: It is your pleasure. As you can see, I am blind and these four imbeciles are my valets.

Ticket Lady: But, the animal-

Toph: -is my seeing-eye lemur.

Ticket Lady: Well, normally it's only one ticket per passport, but this document is so official ... I guess it's worth four tickets.

  She stamps the tickets for the group.

Toph: Thank you very much.

  Toph takes the tickets and you lot are now on our way.

Sokka: Alright, we scammed that lady good!

Y/N: You guys go on ahead, I really gotta use the bathroom.

 You rush off in a hurry.

Sokka: Well he must have been holding that in for a while.

  Suddenly Sokka is pulled aside by a very attractive guard.

Girl: Tickets and passports please.

Sokka: Is there a problem?

Girl: Yeah, I got a problem with you! I've seen your type before. Probably sarcastic, think you're hilarious and let me guess, you're traveling with the Avatar.

Sokka: Do I know you?

Girl: You mean you don't remember? Maybe you'll remember this!

  The woman give Sokka a kiss on the cheek which joggs Sokka's memory.

Sokka: Suki!

  Soka says as the two embrace each other.

Suki: Sokka, it's good to see you!

  *Time skip*

Katara: You look so different without your makeup.

Suki: Yeah, that crabby lady makes all the guards where this. And look at you sleeveless guy, been working out.

Sokka: Oh you know I'll grab a tree branch and do a few chin touches every now and again, nothin major.

Aang: So are the other Kyoshi warriors around?

Suki: Yeah. After you left Kyoshi, we wanted to find a way to help people. We ended up escorting some refugees and we've been here ever since.

  Momo lands next to her.

Suki: Hi, Momo! Good to see you too!

 She scratches Momo's head.

Suki: So why are you guys getting tickets for the ferry? Wouldn't you just fly across on Appa?

Katara: Actually, Appa is missing. We hope to find him in Ba Sing Se.

Suki: I'm so sorry. Are you doing okay.

  Aang notices Suki and the others looking to him, much to his irritation. 

Aang: I'm fine okay. Can everyone just stop worrying about me.

  After that, Sokka tried to lighten the mood. 

Sokka: Hey Suki, you may not have known, but we actually have a Kyoshi warrior in our group.

Suki: Oh really? You trying to replace me or something?

  Suki asks in a teasing manor.

Sokka: What! Of course not.

Katara: Yeah, just wait until you meet him.

  Katara says which earns a confused look from Suki.

Suki: Wait, him? He's a boy?

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