Chapter 26: Munchkins and Midterms

Start from the beginning

I hang up and fall back into the chair I was sitting on before. How did I forget? We have had pizza every Friday night for almost five years. I finally glance back over at Lukas.

"You leaving?" He asks inquisitively a small smile on his face.

"Yes, I am sorry. I feel so bad. I had plans with Sebastien and I totally flaked and now I am just running out on you. Ugh!" I run my hands through my wavy hair frustrated.

"It's cool, don't worry about it. You just owe me a pizza because now I am really craving some," he chuckles picking up his notes again.

"Thank you Lukas," I mutter and walk over giving him a brief hug. I then rush around roughly throwing all my things into my bag and don't even bother with my coat. I exit into the hallway, taking two steps at a time, and burst outside. I realize my mistake of wearing just my thin blouse and ripped jeans when I feel the cool night breeze. Like a shot, goosebumps travel down me as I shiver and my teeth start chattering. I catch sight of Sebastien's mustang pulling up and I sprint to it, sliding into the passenger seat.

"Hey!" I say breaking the silence, my voice hoarse.

"Hey," he gravelly answers back. He glimpses at me briefly before turning the knob of his heat on.

I wring my hands together. "I am really sorry. You have no idea," I murmur not knowing what else to tell him to express how bad I feel.

"So you just forgot?" His tone emotionless.

"Yeah, we were studying and..."

"At 10pm on a Friday? Haven't you guys been studying all week? And this morning you said you were at Luka's frat house," he mutters in irritation.

"Um, yeah we have been." I narrow my eyes confused by his anger. I understand I'm late but I am here now and it was an accident. He's normally forgiving to me.

He glances at me expectantly. "You are sure you were just studying?" His voice probing.

I am growing more and more bewildered by his odd behavior. "What does that mean? Is this because of our fight about Brittany?"

"Look, even when I have a girlfriend I never forget. It is not cool that as soon as you get a boyfriend you forget," he demands, his lips pressing together.

"Who? Luka?" I turn and stare at the side of his face my mouth dropping a little. "He is not my boyfriend," I declare.

"Sure he's not." Sebastien's knuckles are beginning to get white from grasping his steering wheel so tightly.

"What's the matter with you? I'm doing what you always asked, I am out meeting people and making friends..." My mind is reeling trying to determine the meaning behind what he is saying and where his anger is brimming from.

He retorts instantly his voice penetrating, "I didn't mean for you to forget about me in the process."

I gape sharply at him. "What?"

"Nevermind. Look it's fine. I have plans to go to meet with a few guys tonight. I'll just go and see you some other time."

"Wait, no. Don't leave." I grab his arm and he looks down at it. "I could never forget about you. How could you think that? That's absurd, you're my best friend in the whole world." He looks at me with a hurt expression, but lightly brushes off my hand. My heart drops to my stomach. He looks so stony and detached, unlike my normal Bash.

"I'll just drop you back off Emma," his tone impassive and he turns his engine back on. "Your place or are you staying at Lukas?"

"Mine," I say remotely. What is going on? I knew he would be pissed. I never have flaked on him, but I didn't know how pissed. We never fight like this. He pulls up in front of my dorm and mumbles "bye" quietly.

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