Then, like Elisha, I responded with my fists clenched.

"Okay! Let's build up our strength like Allen and Cassis, Elisha!"

"Yes! Starting today, I'm going to run for an hour, and jump rope a thousand times!"

"Good. I'm going to ride a bike for half an hour, too!"

"Oh, then so am I!"

Elisa raised her hand and said she would join. It was so cute when she said it with her cheeks flushed.

I smiled and stared at Elisha, but I felt a burning gaze, so I turned my head.

Cassis was looking very sadly at me and Elisha.

Like it's very embarrassing to be with us.

Well, you're a kid too.

I asked Cassis, who stood in a way that said he was different from us.

"Does Cassis want to do it too?"

"No, I'm good."

At the recommendation, Cassis shook his head at once.

It's embarrassing for you to say no at once, even though I usually don't mind.

I scratched my cheek out of abashment. His expression seemed to suggest that I was totally childish.

Hmph. How about you get a little childish.

I snorted, pretending I wasn't bothered.

After that, we were excited and opened the presents. I tasted Elisha's citrus syrup after.


"Bean, let's eat."


At my call, I heard wings flapping somewhere, and Bean flew with vigor.

"Why aren't you eating?"


When I patted Bean's back, who fell into my arms, he trembled slightly.

It's like, 'Master, I missed you!' It was cute since that's what he seemed to be saying.

"Now, let's stop whining and eat, Bean."

I pulled Bean off and pointed to the wagon behind me. The wagon was mixed with raw meat and fruit.

While I was sick, they said Bean didn't eat even though they brought him food. Maybe it was because he was shy.

Strangely, Bean didn't listen well to other people.

Should I say that you only listen to me?

I think it's because I messed up the prenatal education...

I recalled my condition when Bean was an egg.

At that time, Cassis had just came to recuperate and I started prenatal education at a time of upheaval, so it was a mess.

Bean always looked about for Cassis, so this garden became a no-Cassis zone.

When Bean saw the food, he smacked his lips and gently wagged his tail. His eyes showed his appetite.

"You have to eat it all."


When my permission was given, Bean dived into the wagon and hurriedly ripped the meat off.


note: i hate this word too but oh well 》

The sound of Bean eating made my mouth water.

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