~ Part 1~

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Hey hope you enjoy this fanfic, it's my first so if there are mistakes sorry 👍✨

The dark lord has always believed that anyone other than pure bloods didnt belong in the wizarding world. A war began between Dark and Light, the 'golden trio' arose up on the light side. The trio consisted of Harry Potter, the alpha ot the werewolf pack and the only known person to have survived not only Voldemort's wrath but the killing curse. Hermione Granger, a beta in the pack and one of the smartest witches of her age. And finally Ron Weasley, the other beta and one of the most brave/loyal wizards of their age.

The pack have been known to be hostile and hard to tame, they were usually spotted in their human forms when battling with the light side against the dark. They were captured by hunters and due to werewolfs not having any rights without owners, they were put up for adoption. Throughout the 5 months they were there many rich purebloods attempted to tame the trio, so that they can adopt the powerful pack but non have succeeded to tame and adopt the powerful pack.

*Harry's POV*
My pack and I were taken to a creature adoption centre. We have been here for 5 months and no one has been able to tame our wolf side, mostly because we hated all of the spoiled brats who only wanted to use us as guard dogs. This resulted in quite a few bites and growling, which quickly showed all of the brats that we were not the pack to mess with.

They had placed shock collars around our necks to keep us from changing into our human forms and keeps us in our wolf state. The collars were placed there after our 3rd escape attempt which only resulted in failure as we were moved to a more secure cadge. One night it was growing colder and so the wolf pack layed together, deciding to share heat and sleep through the night.

*Draco's POV*
After the latest attacks on the light side, mother is convinced that I need someone to protect me 24/7. Me, blaise and pansy were heading out to the garden when mother grabbed us all in for one if her serious chats, we all sat down in front of the fire on the sofa. Mother and Father stood in front of us and began the talk.

"Since the attacks have been growing worse and you will all be returning to Hogwarts soon, we believe that it would be best to send you with protection as we cannot be there", Narcissa said.

"But the body guards you hire, dont let us do anything fun and they dont let us talk to anyone, they dont know", I began to explain.

"Exactly, that's why we were thinking more along the lines of you guys owning werewolves, and taming them before going back to school since they protect whoever can tame them. We would go down to the adoption centre in Diagon ally and see which wolves take a liking to you", Lucius explained.

"And your parents have agreed that it would be a good idea as well", Mother added gesturing towards Pansy and Blaize, who were sat either side of me.

In shock of what my parents were suggesting, we all sat there in silence. I couldnt have been happier for one we would be getting out of having any more body guards following us around Hogwarts. As well as this we would be getting rights for the werewolves who took a liking to us and giving them a better home. I always secretly wanted a werewolf, they were always such beautiful and powerful creatures.

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